Civil War

Happy Father's Day, but this is no Ode to Father's Day devotional. Everyone's heart is sure to be encouraged by our Genesis Bible Fellowship Youth and Young Adults' (Gen. B.FY) as they lay it all out on the line. We praise the Lord for their transparency, so be encouraged by God’s Word and their devotionals and please make sure to encourage our Gen. B.FYs.
SCRIPTURE: “I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.” Galatians 5:16-17
Since I have been saved there has been a civil war going on within me. This war is quite different from the ones we see in our world. There are no guns, knives or bombs. This is spiritual warfare. We have two choices in this war: walking by the Spirit or walking in the flesh. All Christians experience this war in one way or another. My war has involved things such as lust and perversion, controlling my tongue and living according to the values in which I believe.

When I began to read verses like Galatians 5:16-17, I began to understand the supernatural forces that were at work in me. For much of my life I have felt like I was living “too good.” I would make the “safe” choices. I would do the “godly” thing. I would follow all the rules that I learned at church. I felt like I was missing out and wanted to see what it was like to “have fun” and “enjoy life” like everyone else. I tried to, but something always felt off. When I was living in sin, there was always a part of me that felt convicted.

No matter how much I would try to do my own thing and ignore the conviction, it wouldn’t subside. It would keep me up at night and make me feel less like myself. As I made countless decisions in favor of my flesh, I kept spiraling. But through God’s intervention, I realized I could never be “too far gone.”

I called this a war because we as Christians lose countless battles every day, but we never lose the war. We serve a powerful and mighty God that will never be defeated. Because of Him, we have victory. So choose to walk in the Spirit the next time you experience spiritual warfare, and see how God leads you to victory!

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for those that are reading this devotion in whatever moment of warfare they’re experiencing. I pray that You help us all to realize that we need to live by Your Spirit, not our flesh. Make the battle clear to us, Lord. Open our eyes to the opposition that we face and give us the guidance to obtain the victory. Not by our own might Lord, but by Yours and Yours alone. Thank You for working in my life and giving me this testimony and the opportunity to share it as well. Help us all to remember who You are and that this war has only one ending and that is with You on top. I pray all these things in Your wonderful and matchless name and in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ and Your Holy Spirit. Amen!
By Bro. Kendal Manns


Deborah Whye - June 16th, 2024 at 5:14am

Amen and Amen!! Thank you Brother Kendal for your transparency and this convicting and encouraging devotional. We're all in spiritual warfare everyday! That's why it's important to put on the armor of God everyday! Ephod. 6:10-18! Bless you my grandson!

Toni Lawson - June 16th, 2024 at 6:03am

Amen Bro. Kendal. Yes, thank you for this wise reminder of the spiritual warfare we face daily. Thanks be to God who always causes us to triumph thru Jesus. Bless you!

Kim - June 17th, 2024 at 6:25am

Amen! Thanks Bro Kendall for this devotional

McNeal & Debora Brockington - June 17th, 2024 at 7:08am

Amen and Amen. Engage the wilderness, and 'Shine Jesus' Light!'

nThanks, brother Kendall. God be praised!

Wendy - June 17th, 2024 at 12:36pm

Amen Brother Kendal! Glory to God such a strengthened Devotional!!






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