Apple of God’s Eye

SCRIPTURES: “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still
sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8
“For the Lord of hosts says this: ‘After glory He has sent me against the nations that plunder you, for the one who touches you, touches the apple of His eye”. Zechariah 2:8
I am grateful for the times I discovered the grace and mercy of God. I don’t use discover as in an ownership by an indigenous people. No, I use discover as a word of praise and revelation. God actually takes time to reveal to us: How God He is. He uses statements, such as, I am the great I am; and He does not only identify Himself, but He makes us promises. Jeremiah, inspired by God, stated in chapter 31:3, “God loves us with an everlasting love”. God in His bold proclamation promises He will not ever stop loving us! God tells us in Proverbs 18:10, He is our Strong Tower and we can run to it and be safe. There is a certain alignment with God that He deserves; and we should desire. God makes Himself known to us personally. He excites us to take notice of Him. He wants us to embrace Him by reading the Word, praying the Word, singing the Word to ensure we are not taken over by the strategic circumstances that are readily designed to distract us.

Christ, the second of the Godhead has ascended to heaven and sits at the right hand of the
Father ever making intercession for us (Romans 8:34). We are the very ones He sacrificed His earthly life yet He continues to take a position to plead for us. He died that we would be reconciled and have favor with our Father in heaven. We can sometimes recite out of familiarity and casualness what the Lord has done for us. But when the Holy Spirit allows us to see Him high and lifted in all of His glory, we are confronted with the sufficiency and powerfulness of our Kin. We are brought to a strong desire to worship Him! Hallelujah; Thank You Jesus...we are humbled by Your hand of favor, Your kindness, patience, long-suffering, protection, provision, love, mercy grace, peace, joy...

Lord, thank You for the gift of remembering what we have with You. Thank You for choosing to behold us as the apple of Your eye. Thank You for making room for us. May we forever treasure Your offerings of love and faithfulness In Jesus’ Name-Amen!
By Sis. Lisa Williams


McNeal & Debora Brockington - February 17th, 2025 at 8:54am

We thank You O' Lord, this day with a new praise, for the new and renewing mercy of this moment, and the grace which offers our revival, and impetus for sharing Your love... we rejoice as the 'apple of Your eye', and bless you Heavenly Father, in Jesus' name. Amen.

Pat Towns - February 17th, 2025 at 10:24am

Amen! To be the Apple of God’s eye.

Paula S - February 18th, 2025 at 8:41am

Thank You Lord that You plead on our behalf!






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