The Celebration of Jerusalem’s Deliverance: The Festival of Lights

SCRIPTURE:  “’Hear, Lord, and be gracious to me; Lord, be my helper.’ 11 You have turned my mourning into dancing for me; You have untied my sackcloth and encircled me with joy, 12 That my soul may sing praise to You and not be silent. Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever.” Psalm 30: 10-12 [NKJV]
Historically noteworthy was the Jewish resistance and regaining of control of Jerusalem, and reclaiming and rededication of their Tabernacle, the Temple, across eight days against huge military opposition from the Seleucids. Oil and light were fundamental to their resistance, but its quantity was thought to be good only for a day. It lasted for eight.

In remembrance of this, then and now, an attendant candle [the shammash] is lit and applied to the eight candles rest upon their branch-like holders daily, symbolizing that victory and sign of God's deliverance. The moment is called the 'Festival of Lights', also Hanukkah... noted on our modern calendar variably between November 28th and December 27th, more particularly the 25th day of Kislev, close to our Christmas.

This overt success led by the Maccabees celebrated the providence of God, whom through those souls returned the temple and Jerusalem mightily. As an event it followed the record of the Old Testament and preceded that of the New Testament, albeit a brief acknowledgement in the New Testament.

Frequently Psalm 30 is offered during this lesser Jewish holiday which includes this favorite of both the contemporary pulpit, and the politician: "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." Psalm 30:5b.  The grace within this psalm prescribes our hope and our thanksgiving unto God.

PRAYER: We leave one year, with its highs and lows, to enter the mysteries of the next. Heavenly and eternal Father we pray for Your hand of blessing, and upon mercy, we wait. We abide. Spirit of Christ, help us to wait and abide well. Help us to leap into that precious 'tomorrow' with all of the light and levity and power of love. We press, with glorious expectations, knowing of the dawn to come. With grateful hearts and faithful intentions Lord, we press, in Jesus' name. Amen.
By Dea. McNeal Brockington


Devorah Whye - February 1st, 2025 at 6:09am


Debora Brockington - February 1st, 2025 at 6:48am

Amen...Great is Thy faithfulness! Thank You Father for Your love, provisions, and protection. Thank You for Your Son, Jesus, the Light of the world! Thank You for the victory that we have in Jesus, Amen.

Wendy - February 1st, 2025 at 8:26pm

Amen and Amen!!






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