Prayer of Praise From the Redeemed

Ephesians 1:3 – 8
Our great God and Father, through the Lord Jesus Christ we come with filled hearts of praise because there is the awareness of many things You have done for us as Your children, with us as Your partners, and through us as servants for Your glory. Today, we are further gripped in our hearts because we even see there are things You’ve done because You made choices and decisions concerning us before we were born, and even more wonderful and remarkable is these decisions and choices were determined by You before the foundation of the world. You predestined us to an eternal adoption and it was according to Your pleasure and for the praise of Your grace, lavished on us. Hallelujah!
If You were not so wise and powerful, these things would be unbelievable because how and why would You do them for us who are sinners with no merit on our own without You. Today, we pray back to You according to the prayer You have given us through Your servant, the Apostle Paul. We marvel that so much has already been done to the securing of our eternity as it relates to the glory of Your praise through us who have believed on You and rest in the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son.
Oh God our Father, how do You feel about seeing so many claim the gift of what You have done for us, but never take time to open it fully, or take some time to understand the magnitude of what has become true for us that will endure for all eternity? As I look around at some who claim to know You, but appear to be apathetic toward pursuing and growing in the knowledge of You and the fellowship with You that has become only possible through what You have done, I can’t help but wonder how You feel about what You see? Father, shouldn’t we know and even want to know what it is be redeemed? Father, shouldn’t we know and even want to know more about the authority and the finality of the blood shed for us by Jesus? Oh Father, shouldn’t we want to know the depth, magnitude and details of Your willingness to give forgiveness for our many trespasses according to Your rich and abundant grace to us? Who we are, and what You have done, demands our prayers filled with Your praises. Oh Lord, may our lips be the flood gates open wide to let out the praises of gratitude that continually overflow from our hearts because You, Your Son, and the Holy Spirit are worthy without question. In Jesus Name, amen and amen.
Pastor Wayne Cockrell


Cheryl Torain - January 9th, 2025 at 10:30am

Oh, the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of GOD!!! Halleujah!!!

Paula S - January 28th, 2025 at 6:40am

Yes Lord, You have blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,. Please open our eyes that we might see and walk through it.






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