Prayer To See Things God’s Way

Isaiah 55:6-11
Father in heaven, I bring my heart before You today, ever mindful of how much I need
and want to see all matters of life through the perfect understanding that only You
possess. It is so foolish of me to think that I know more than You, and so prideful of me
to not seek out Your ways for my life, especially since I am supposed to be living for
You. Why Father do we grope all over seeking the best answers for successful living,
when You in a variety of ways, and so many times have given us a standing invitation to
come to You for the understanding of how we ought to see those things in life and those
things You expect of us that will ultimately bring fulfillment to us and glory, honor and
praise to You? I know for me, that I need and want You to please grant me fresh and
regular glimpses of Your thoughts which are above my thoughts, and Your ways which
are above my ways, so that I can be assured that the life I am living is centered on the
things above, those realities of heaven, where my Savior, the Lord Jesus sits at Your
right hand, and not on all the limited things of this earth which are passing away
(Colossians 3:1,2). Many of us have come to the conclusion, Oh Lord, after some
mistakes and failures in life, it is no longer good enough, or safe enough to lean solely
to our own understanding of things that seems right to us, but in all our ways to seek
You, acknowledge You, and lean solely upon the understanding of Your ways to direct
our paths of life You have set before us (Proverbs 3:5-7).
So, Lord, our God, with bended knees before You in our hearts, we want to be more
open to the filling with Your spiritual wisdom, enlightenment, and the revelation from You
so that we can grow more and more in our knowledge of You and Your ways. Forgive
us for continuing to try to mold Your ways with our ways, and conform You into our
plans, and in doing so, we have in some form or fashion been in the way of Your
righteousness and glory that You have been desiring to reveal through us. With
gratitude for Your mercy, we ask these things in Jesus’ name, amen and amen.
Pastor Wayne Cockrell


McNeal and Debora Brockington - January 14th, 2025 at 7:02am

Amen. May we all receive the uttermost of His providence... the gifts of Grace and Mercy. Heavenly word abide in us. May we all strive well to His glory. Amen.

Cheryl Torain - January 14th, 2025 at 10:35am

Gracious Lord, thank You for Your longsuffering as You conform us to Your image!!!

Wendy - January 14th, 2025 at 5:56pm

Amen and Amen! He is the God who sees us, the God who is looking for a heart trust in Him!!






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