Prayer to the ONE Who Knows All Things

Isaiah 40:21-31
Our gracious God, as Your prophet Isaiah asked Your people, “To Whom will we liken our God?”  As we kneel today to pray unto You, we are very much aware that at the end of our words there is You, who sees all things, and knows all things, and with You nothing exists beyond the possibilities of Your limitless grace and almighty power. Many are the desires, needs, and concerns of our hearts and we are very honored and privileged that You have invited us all to come boldly before Your throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help as we cast all our cares upon You. As You already know the things we face in life, we do want to find the personalized secret place with You so that we can abide peacefully under the shadow of Your tender mercies and loving kindness that our hearts long for as we live in this world by faith and not by sight. You are our God. There is no other place, or no other entity, or no other being in flesh or spirit that can be trusted with some of our deepest questions in our hearts. Father, forgive us for any doubts about You that we may succumb to because of the many questions about things that have happened or are happening that make us struggle in our hearts.
Our Father today, what about the children of all kinds that are reported as missing? Our government reports that over three hundred thousand children are unaccounted for through sex and slave trafficking and kidnapping enterprises all over the world. Scarred, scared, and deeply abused in an underworld of darkness, ruled by evil demonic spirits and the corrupted hearts of evil and greedy men and women who seem calloused about the destruction they bring upon the young, vulnerable, and defenseless lives. May we ask You today, what about them? I admit to You that this is far greater that I can fathom and any pondering driven by my burden in this makes me come to a place of conceding to You, who knows all things, and to ask You Oh God, for the miracle of setting these captives free from this tyranny that uses others for profit and immoral pleasure against their wills. Please let us see a breaking asunder of this enterprise and the rescuing of thousands into the hands for Your faithful children who can and will love and teach them about Your love and the redemption that is in Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. It is not only in His name we ask this, but according to His example and His words, “Permit the little children to come to me and forbid them not, for such is the kingdom of heaven,” (Matthew 19:14). Amen and amen.
Pastor Wayne Cockrell


McNeal and Debora Brockington - January 23rd, 2025 at 7:12am

Amen. Set the captives free. Great Liberty be the drum.

Cheryl Torain - January 24th, 2025 at 10:05am

Thank You Awesome Savior for knowing all things and doing the impossible!!

Wendy - January 25th, 2025 at 11:22am

Amen! Oh Lord you are working in all things all the time,for your glory and our good Farher!!






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