Prayer That Celebrates God’s Work

John 15:4-8
Father and our God, we bow again today before Your great presence through our Lord Jesus Christ and in yieldedness to the Holy Spirit in us. We are Your children, and it is marvelous to embrace this truth because it is something that You have done that we could never have done ourselves. Praise, honor, and glory for such a wonderful privilege of love, position, and access You have bestowed upon us who have been granted a place into Your eternal family. What is clear to us who believe is that we realize our need for Your help to live in the manner that fully pleases You in this world. Our faith to live and become rest totally upon the promises You have made to us and the active attention You give as You oversee our lives with great expectation and desire for the manifestation of fruit that proves growth in our lives. Every deposit of Your grace into our lives has great intent to grow us to bear abundant fruitfulness that proves it is Your work that enables us to grow more and more. As we rejoice in this, Our Father, there are some who come to mind today that are not rejoicing because their immediate troubles consume them and even harden them from praising You. Your commitment to the work in our lives will not be broken or destroyed by any adversity that comes upon us. The storms that You allow to come fiercely sometimes into our lives also becomes the source of rain that makes us grow into a greater awareness of what we are under Your enabling hand upon us. We are only the branches attached to a Vine that is far mightier than we and it is through Him we receive everything necessary to sustain and promote our growth. So we account today as a good day, not because everything is going as we want it, but it is a good day because it marks another day for potential fruitfulness that can bring glory to You. We are confident that You know what You are doing with us, but please help us to be fruitful not in just our doing, but may there be great fruitfulness in our knowing so that we can be steadfast while we are growing. Heavenly Father, it is in Jesus’ name we pray, amen and amen.
Pastor Wayne Cockrell


Bro. Bryant - January 13th, 2025 at 11:23am


Cheryl Torain - January 13th, 2025 at 8:44pm

Yes LORD, deeper in YOU!!!

Wendy - January 14th, 2025 at 7:02pm

Amen and Amen!

Paula S. - January 28th, 2025 at 7:17am

One of my favorite verses! Yes Lord we want to be so fruitful. Touch every believer Lord and may they be fruitful to the glory of God. Thanks for this, Pastor!






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