Praise God for Witnesses
SCRIPTURE: “Therefore since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” Hebrews 12:1 (NASB)

The word “witnesses,” as used in secular circles, has received a bad rap! I believe the pejorative term is “snitch?” Evildoers, of course, despise the term because those who are so deemed are likely to be reporting on the truth of a situation or some event. The “father of all lies” hates the truth, so it’s just like him and his cohorts to continually try to thwart the truth; however, praise God for His divine “spoiler alert” in Revelation 12:11 (and in many other places throughout His word) that TRUTH WINS OUT! The Christ-centered, Christ-honoring life is the only one WORTH living! He has presented a gigantic treasury of witnesses in the Bible that attest that Christ followers are on the path of true righteousness that culminates in eternal victory with our Savior!
We are surrounded by so many who have preceded us, and like them, there are weights that we simply MUST intentionally lay aside—just drop them each and EVERY time they re-emerge in our thought patterns! They will ensnare us otherwise. We are, doubtless, in a race, saints, and the only prizewinners are those who run ACCORDING TO THE RULES—not the world’s rules, mind you, but those of the Master of ALL—our Lord and Savior—our El Shaddai.
This, we know, requires our discernment, which is founded upon our heart-knowledge of God’s Word—which requires daily review, daily meditation! (If you know how to worry, as one preacher aptly stated, then you know how to meditate). Ten or fifteen minutes of quiet meditation on God’s Word beats spending NO time every time! (Sounds a bit like the virtues of physical exercise, doesn’t it?) So, family, discipline your spiritual heart muscles by exercising them daily through application of that Word, through earnest prayers, and close ongoing fellowship with our loving Savior God. The Spirit, speaking through Timothy, phrased it best: “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for ALL things, holding promise for both the present life AND the life to come. (1 Timothy 4:8)” Let’s believe those scriptural witnesses, whose biblically recorded testimonies urge us to live out our faith in Jesus boldly and courageously!
PRAYER: Dear Father, we thank and praise You that all Your words are true! In light of Your many witnesses, including that of Christ Jesus, Himself, please forgive us for indulging occasional bouts of slothfulness, when we should be cleaving to and living out all You have promised us as Your twice-born children. Thank You, in Jesus’ name! Amen.
By Sis. Denise Diggs
We are surrounded by so many who have preceded us, and like them, there are weights that we simply MUST intentionally lay aside—just drop them each and EVERY time they re-emerge in our thought patterns! They will ensnare us otherwise. We are, doubtless, in a race, saints, and the only prizewinners are those who run ACCORDING TO THE RULES—not the world’s rules, mind you, but those of the Master of ALL—our Lord and Savior—our El Shaddai.
This, we know, requires our discernment, which is founded upon our heart-knowledge of God’s Word—which requires daily review, daily meditation! (If you know how to worry, as one preacher aptly stated, then you know how to meditate). Ten or fifteen minutes of quiet meditation on God’s Word beats spending NO time every time! (Sounds a bit like the virtues of physical exercise, doesn’t it?) So, family, discipline your spiritual heart muscles by exercising them daily through application of that Word, through earnest prayers, and close ongoing fellowship with our loving Savior God. The Spirit, speaking through Timothy, phrased it best: “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for ALL things, holding promise for both the present life AND the life to come. (1 Timothy 4:8)” Let’s believe those scriptural witnesses, whose biblically recorded testimonies urge us to live out our faith in Jesus boldly and courageously!
PRAYER: Dear Father, we thank and praise You that all Your words are true! In light of Your many witnesses, including that of Christ Jesus, Himself, please forgive us for indulging occasional bouts of slothfulness, when we should be cleaving to and living out all You have promised us as Your twice-born children. Thank You, in Jesus’ name! Amen.
By Sis. Denise Diggs
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SUNDAY MORNING PRAYERS with Pastor Wayne Cockrell
March 23rd, 2025
Praise God for Witnesses
March 22nd, 2025
March 21st, 2025
Believing God’s Promises
March 20th, 2025
The Road Not Taken
March 19th, 2025
A Good Faith System
March 18th, 2025
Listening for God’s Voice and Directions
March 17th, 2025
SUNDAY MORNING PRAYERS with Pastor Wayne Cockrell
March 16th, 2025
Are You My Enemy?
March 15th, 2025
Given Gift
March 14th, 2025
Amen & Amen
Amen for TRUTH in JESUS!!!