I Never Knew You
SCRIPTURE: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ Matthew 7:21-23

It’s game day!
Also, today is the day of salvation,
Our choice of heaven or hell is in consideration.
It boils down to more than the last play of the game of who lost or won,
So, each player can only win by following the rules and hitting an official home run.
So, a player steps up to the plate to drive in a run,
He or she desires to hear the coach say, well done.
Fans and witnesses gather to see my skills on display,
I flatter them with my abilities and talents on game day.
The pitcher throws the ball as the hitter looks with confidence,
He flexes his muscles to assure fans, this ball is going over the fence.
The coach urges the hitter to meditate to avoid distractions in the dome,
He has seen many players hit the ball hard and far, but still never make it home.
The scouting report of the opposition notes the team is good at religious practices,
The Kingdom team requires relationship through the Word, Holy Spirit, and Christ, actively.
The rule book requires the players to obey, or home runs can be withheld,
The result is that the player could become a winner in heaven or a loser in hell.
So as the hitter steps to the plate and a fastball is pitched,
The batter hits the ball hard and far over the right-field fence.
The crowd began to cheer for the hitter’s ultimate accomplishment,
He loves the attention of the audience as the highest compliment.
He skips first base which is salvation, touches second base which is the church,
He waves at the fans in the stands, then he touches third base for our Kingdom works.
He looks up at the cameras and flashing lights on His way to home plate,
Never considering whether he obeyed the rules to acquire his Home Going fate.
The umpire flicked his thumb and at the top of his lungs shouted, “You’re Out!”
The player was confused while celebrating, wondering what this is all about.
He was sent to the throne to make his case before the Lord’s face,
“I hit the ball over the fence”, the Lord responded, but you didn’t touch first base.
The Lord reminded the hitter that salvation precedes good works, but you rejected My invitation,
You chose and practiced religious works over relationship, which led to disqualification.
How is this? Lord, Lord!
I am the crowd favorite, honorable, respected, noble, charitable, and talented in all I do,
But you disobeyed My will by not touching first base, depart from Me, I never knew you.
PRAYER: I pray for salvation on behalf of our family and friends before it’s too late. In the matchless name of Jesus! Amen!
By Bro. Glenny Moore
Inspired by Deacon Cliff Tomlin & Pastor Wayne Cockrell
Also, today is the day of salvation,
Our choice of heaven or hell is in consideration.
It boils down to more than the last play of the game of who lost or won,
So, each player can only win by following the rules and hitting an official home run.
So, a player steps up to the plate to drive in a run,
He or she desires to hear the coach say, well done.
Fans and witnesses gather to see my skills on display,
I flatter them with my abilities and talents on game day.
The pitcher throws the ball as the hitter looks with confidence,
He flexes his muscles to assure fans, this ball is going over the fence.
The coach urges the hitter to meditate to avoid distractions in the dome,
He has seen many players hit the ball hard and far, but still never make it home.
The scouting report of the opposition notes the team is good at religious practices,
The Kingdom team requires relationship through the Word, Holy Spirit, and Christ, actively.
The rule book requires the players to obey, or home runs can be withheld,
The result is that the player could become a winner in heaven or a loser in hell.
So as the hitter steps to the plate and a fastball is pitched,
The batter hits the ball hard and far over the right-field fence.
The crowd began to cheer for the hitter’s ultimate accomplishment,
He loves the attention of the audience as the highest compliment.
He skips first base which is salvation, touches second base which is the church,
He waves at the fans in the stands, then he touches third base for our Kingdom works.
He looks up at the cameras and flashing lights on His way to home plate,
Never considering whether he obeyed the rules to acquire his Home Going fate.
The umpire flicked his thumb and at the top of his lungs shouted, “You’re Out!”
The player was confused while celebrating, wondering what this is all about.
He was sent to the throne to make his case before the Lord’s face,
“I hit the ball over the fence”, the Lord responded, but you didn’t touch first base.
The Lord reminded the hitter that salvation precedes good works, but you rejected My invitation,
You chose and practiced religious works over relationship, which led to disqualification.
How is this? Lord, Lord!
I am the crowd favorite, honorable, respected, noble, charitable, and talented in all I do,
But you disobeyed My will by not touching first base, depart from Me, I never knew you.
PRAYER: I pray for salvation on behalf of our family and friends before it’s too late. In the matchless name of Jesus! Amen!
By Bro. Glenny Moore
Inspired by Deacon Cliff Tomlin & Pastor Wayne Cockrell
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Caregiver, Doulos, Friend
March 31st, 2025
SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER with Pastor Wayne Cockrell
March 30th, 2025
Where do You Stand?
March 29th, 2025
I Never Knew You
March 28th, 2025
Life Lessons
March 27th, 2025
March 26th, 2025
Your Will Be Done
March 25th, 2025
In Captivity, But Still In His Plans
March 24th, 2025
SUNDAY MORNING PRAYERS with Pastor Wayne Cockrell
March 23rd, 2025
Praise God for Witnesses
March 22nd, 2025
Loved this analogy when I heard it. So glad I've touched 1st base.
Powerful declaration of truth!