Prayer for A Heart Like Christ’s

John 13:15-17
Our Father, in coming before Your presence I am mindful of how far my heart can be from the heart of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. When I learn about the testimony of His obedience to do Your will no matter what, I am compelled to ask forgiveness of falling short of being all that I can be for Your glory, honor and praise in this new privilege of life He has secured for me. Sins of omission and commission in my attitude, actions and articulation are seemingly a repeated cycle of temptation in some form or fashion as I purpose to grow into Your will for my life to be conformed into the image of the Lord Jesus. It is this awareness in my life that makes me thankful for the precious grace of forgiveness and Your willingness to cleanse us of all unrighteousness (I John 1:9). I know Father that I am far from what I was when You saved me, but I find no boasting within myself when I consider the excellency of the example of my Lord Jesus. Please Father I pray that Your Spirit in my heart will break every shackle of guilt, shame, regret and even depression so that I can soar with a new freedom and awareness of my divine enablement to live the experience of the victorious life of Christ in me the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27). Lord my God, I do not want to be of that number who says to You, “Lord, Lord, but do not do the things You say” (Luke 6:46). I am open to Your commands and instructions in the way I am to live like Jesus. Please help me to love all kinds of people like Jesus did. Help me to forgive those who have personally and intentionally hurt me like Jesus forgave. Help me to have the kind of heart that restores the fallen and gives compassion to the broken hearted just like the Lord Jesus did. Please I pray for the grace to live faithfully as the humble servant that my Lord Jesus was as He lived among us, and I will be mindful to always give You the Praise, in Jesus’ matchless name. Amen and Amen.
Pastor Wayne Cockrell


Paula S - January 2nd, 2025 at 8:10pm

Father, help me to be better in 2025 and to have a closer walk with Thee.

Wendy - January 3rd, 2025 at 7:21pm

Amen. Lord give me a heart like thine to love, trust and seek His will for life no matter my circumstances!!






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