A Prayer of Repentance

  Micah 6:1-8
Our eternal Father and our gracious God as we look at ourselves in light of Your Word we are humbled in various ways before You. As we look forward to a new year we could not help but look back and ask ourselves have we walked with You in each day as we should? Have we hurt You in any way, because we have failed the expectations of a relationship. That we are in Your family, and we have not been loyal. We’ve been in Your family and we have ignored You. We have not made You a priority as we should.  So as we look back Father, we have found in great ways and in small, all of us have a variety of ways in which we have in our own styles drifted and we ask forgiveness for it. We ask You to cleanse our hearts of all unrighteousness. Give unto us a renewed sense of purpose, a new ambition, a new drive. Impel our hearts with Your love overflowing in us and cause us, Lord, to see life from Your perspective.  If and since we have drifted, we come before You humbling our hearts in Your presence, bowing for the fresh filling of the Holy Spirit, desiring that the fountain of Him would spring forth with rich waters of renewal. Let our souls be refreshed and reinvigorated and that we’ll be recharged, Lord, that we might be overflowing in our love for You. Lord, please place Your arms around us and squeeze us into Yourself.  Cause us to know that newness of warmth in Your presence. Cause us to feel the ministry of Your love as we abide under the shadow of Your wings. We thank You for leaving the door open for us to come back that You have not kicked us out. You have not changed. You have not ceased to love us, but everything You have always been, You are and we thank You that You have not changed, that You have not turned from us, that You have not cast us off as orphans. But You have continued to speak to us and continued to minister to us. Thank You, Jesus. In Your precious name I pray! Amen and Amen.
Pastor Wayne Cockrell


Deborah Whye - January 4th, 2025 at 7:18am


Cheryl Torain - January 4th, 2025 at 9:46am

Thank YOU LORD for Your Everlasting love and forgiveness!!!

Wendy - January 4th, 2025 at 9:34pm

Amen and Amen!!






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