Prayer According to Your Will

1 John 5:14-21
Almighty God, our Father Who art in Heaven. It is through the name of Jesus Your Son, and in the Holy Spirit, we submit ourselves before Your throne of grace once again. It is our desire to pray according to Your will. Only then can we have the confidence that assures our hearts that You truly hear us when we ask You concerning anything, and that You have said we can know that we have what we have asked of You, because we have asked according to what You have already spoken through Your Word unto us. It is in this attitude and mindset today we come. We want Your perfect will for our lives that also brings You the glory You desire from all of Your true children. You have taught us that we were created in Christ Jesus for the good works You have foreordained that we should be doing in this life we are living now. We pray for those among us who are not being obedient to that expectation and purpose You have set forth for us. Those brothers and sisters who have found places to resist, avoid, neglect, and even rebel against Your expectations for Your true redeemed sons and daughters. Only You Lord God know the truth about each heart, but we know that the fruit You have desired to be evident is not just for You to see, but it is so that others can see the results of Your gracious working through us as a testimony unto Yourself. We see all around us Father many who started doing for You, but have allowed the trials, troubles, and even the enticements of this world to be the reasons to cast off their service, their dedication, and even what seems like their first love for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Now our Lord God, please we pray today that as You search out our hearts before You, work in all of us who need Your renewing, healing, and restoring work, that we will be raised again to greater heights as instruments through whom You get Your deserved glory. That You would harness the most wayward and bring them back to an understanding of Your glorious calling for their lives. That You would uplift those befallen by any sickness and bring them healing for a testimony for Your glory and thanksgiving to our God. That those who are downtrodden with discouragement because they are struggling with what You have allowed to come into their lives, please inspire them with Your power that is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all they can ask or think to the extent that what they feel no longer rules their obedience unto You. You told Your people, “So now, do not scoff, or your shackles will become stronger.” (Isaiah 28:22) Please make those of us who need this mighty work in us to know that it is You who must make our hearts soft and even broken so that we will again listen and hear Your voice. That we pay attention to what You say, so that we can see Your great wisdom and glorious advice that will direct us into Your will for us. In our Lord Jesus name we pray, amen and amen. Hallelujah!
Pastor Wayne Cockrell


Cheryl Torain - January 28th, 2025 at 10:00am

My Great God and Savior thank You for breaking my heart for what breaks Yours. Amen!!

McNeal & Debora Brockington - January 28th, 2025 at 1:49pm

"All to the Glory of God!" Amen

Wendy - January 29th, 2025 at 9:46pm

Amen and Amen!






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