The Discipline of God
SCRIPTURE: “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” 3 For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls.” Hebrews 12:1-3
He entered the station hurriedly and scurried to the first turnstile with ticket in hand. After three failed attempts, his transit ticket was accepted. The distant sound of the oncoming train competed with his quickening heartbeat. He darted past several intrepid commuters, skipped four escalator steps and seeing the opened train doors at a distance, he made his final push. Through the street performers, through the boisterous teens, through the confused lost travelers, surely he could plunge himself forward before the last closing door chime. Alas and to his dismay, the doors closed, and the train’s rear lights quickly diminished as did his hopes.
Most of us have had a journey comparable to this one, maybe not with the exact details/obstacles, or outcome, but with the same familiar pressure to perform in hopes for a better result. The twists and turns of our race can easily ensnare us, but the command is to still run. Exhilaration, anticipation, victory, defeat, disappointment, and repentance are all a part of the race. I recently heard a line in a song that says, “All I do is win, win, win, win, win!” Lies, all lies!!! There is a race that is set before us and it is lined with victories and littered with defeats, and we do best to take them both in stride not letting one puff us up and the other hamstring our progress, because the race continues regardless, and our Lord is into building some character development and discipline as we run our race. Seek His face while you embrace your race. Jesus endured His race-His cross, He is our example. If you grow weary while running your race, just think about how much our Jesus endured on your behalf? He endured the cross and loathed the shame for you, for me. There you go! You think you can make it? Can you hold on a little longer? Yeah, ya can!
PRAYER: Jesus, thank You for this race, the benchmarks accomplished, even the hurdles that seem to come for me. Sometimes I fared well and other times I failed, but Your mercies never failed me, they were brand new each day to lift my head and encourage me along to finish the race You have set before me. Thank You for Your grace and lovingkindness running alongside me, Jesus. And thank You for making intercession for all of us. It is in Your name I pray, Amen!
By Sis. Paula Smith
Most of us have had a journey comparable to this one, maybe not with the exact details/obstacles, or outcome, but with the same familiar pressure to perform in hopes for a better result. The twists and turns of our race can easily ensnare us, but the command is to still run. Exhilaration, anticipation, victory, defeat, disappointment, and repentance are all a part of the race. I recently heard a line in a song that says, “All I do is win, win, win, win, win!” Lies, all lies!!! There is a race that is set before us and it is lined with victories and littered with defeats, and we do best to take them both in stride not letting one puff us up and the other hamstring our progress, because the race continues regardless, and our Lord is into building some character development and discipline as we run our race. Seek His face while you embrace your race. Jesus endured His race-His cross, He is our example. If you grow weary while running your race, just think about how much our Jesus endured on your behalf? He endured the cross and loathed the shame for you, for me. There you go! You think you can make it? Can you hold on a little longer? Yeah, ya can!
PRAYER: Jesus, thank You for this race, the benchmarks accomplished, even the hurdles that seem to come for me. Sometimes I fared well and other times I failed, but Your mercies never failed me, they were brand new each day to lift my head and encourage me along to finish the race You have set before me. Thank You for Your grace and lovingkindness running alongside me, Jesus. And thank You for making intercession for all of us. It is in Your name I pray, Amen!
By Sis. Paula Smith
Prayer For A New Year 2025Prayer for A Heart Like Christ’sA PRAYER FOR HELP WITH OUR FAITHA Prayer of RepentanceA Prayer to Press OnPrayer For a Fragile Next GenerationPrayer For an Open HeartA Prayer For EndurancePrayer of Praise From the RedeemedPrayer For True EnlightenmentA Prayer: God is Waiting in the New YearSUNDAY MORNING PRAYERS with Pastor Wayne CockrellPrayer That Celebrates God’s WorkPrayer To See Things God’s WayPrayer of Thanks for God’s Keeping PowerPrayer When Faith is Tested: Accepting God’s WillPrayer of Dedication to Our LordA Prayer of Appreciation and WorshipSUNDAY MORNING PRAYERS with Pastor Wayne CockrellPrayer For Humble LivingPrayer for Greater Faith to Live for GodPrayer Against Our FeelingsPrayer to the ONE Who Knows All ThingsPrayer For Sight in the Midst of LossPrayer to be Better Lovers of All Kinds of PeopleSUNDAY MORNING PRAYERS with Pastor Wayne CockrellPrayer of Rekindled PraisePrayer According to Your WillPrayer for the Generations to ComePrayer For the Benefits of PrayerPrayer For a Fresh Awareness of the HOLY SPIRIT
The Celebration of Jerusalem’s Deliverance: The Festival of LightsSUNDAY MORNING PRAYERS WITH Pastor Wayne CockrellThe Gift of ForgivenessGreat Love Requires DisciplineFrom The 2024 Vault: We Must VoteHow Does God Love?Running Our RaceA Prayer of Thanksgiving to GodSUNDAY MORNING PRAYER with Pastor Wayne CockrellHeart to Heart with GodWill You Be Mine?Birthday Gifts for Pastor Wayne Cockrell.The Discipline of God
Gratitude Mixed with Faith Should Equal ObedienceGrace Comes In God’s TimingGOD USES WHOM HE CHOOSESSeeing What God Sees to Get What God HasA Life Verse That Is Good for Every YearSeeing Things as God Sees ThemThree QuestionsDon’t Worry About the FutureForgiveness Is Our Daily CelebrationPeace When We Do RightGod’s True Children Certainly Should KnowRegret In Missed OpportunitiesThe Attitude of Delight Is RightMeditation Deprivation Is EvidentARE YOU A DISCIPLE OR JUST A CONVERT?An Anchored Soul Won’t QuitGod Wants to Be BelievedFinding God in Our PainI Must Be About God’s WordWhat the Wondrous Word of God Can Do in a Willing ServantSeeing Things God’s WayGetting Along for Jesus SakeMeditating Brings Us Success In The Christian LifeThe State of Mind That Pleases GodPraised By the RaisedHaving the Right Knowledge for Real FaithWhose Mind Do You Think With?All My Heart & All My WaysWise with the Lord’s TimeNo Shame About What God Has SaidPrayer Is A Conversation
DEEP ARMOR FOR THE STEEP CLIMBDressed in the Whole Armor of God for Spiritual WarfareGRAB THAT ARMORSUNDAY MORNING PRAYER WITH PASTOR WAYNE COCKRELLIn My Dressing Room (Putting on the Armor of God)Armored for Any WeatherTruth is Foundation for Our FaithA Work in Progress and A Mouth in TrainingREJECTION OF GOSSIP, SLANDER, LIES, AND DISCORD: THE PERFECTING OF 'FEBRUARY'THE DETESTABLESSUNDAY MORNING PRAYER WITH PASTOR WAYNE COCKRELLIf the Lord Hates It, We Should TooThe Offense Ward of the Sin HospitalSpilling the TeaWe are in ChristLet us Do BetterSpread Love, Not GossipSUNDAY MORNING PRAYER WITH PASTOR WAYNE COCKRELLThe GREATEST THRILL: Being SPIRIT - FilledTHE HOLY SPIRIT'S CONTROLA Drunken SpiritLookin’ Like Our DaddyFermented or Fresh; How is Your Fruit?We Have it AllSUNDAY MORNING PRAYER WITH PASTOR WAYNE COCKRELL
The Discipline of God
February 13th, 2025
Birthday Gifts for Pastor Wayne Cockrell.
February 12th, 2025
Will You Be Mine?
February 11th, 2025
Heart to Heart with God
February 10th, 2025
SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER with Pastor Wayne Cockrell
February 9th, 2025
A Prayer of Thanksgiving to God
February 8th, 2025
Running Our Race
February 7th, 2025
How Does God Love?
February 6th, 2025
From The 2024 Vault: We Must Vote
February 5th, 2025
Great Love Requires Discipline
February 4th, 2025
Amen and Amen my sister!
Amen and Amen! God is a good father who want what’s, best for His children!!