
Serving in ministry is one of the best ways to show your love for Christ.  In fact, by volunteering to serve, you are demonstrating the ministry of Jesus, who is the ultimate model of servanthood.  God has given each of us very special gifts and He wants those gifts to be used to spread His message and serve His people.  We consider the opportunity to serve a tremendous privilege. Below is a full list of the ministries at Genesis.
Click On A Ministries Category Tile

Shepherd's  Care Ministries

The Shepherd's Care Ministries is a ministry solely governed by Pastor Wayne Cockrell. This ministry is an encouragement ministry for our Pastor and the leadership team of Genesis Bible Fellowship Church. 
"And all Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine, and I am glorified in them. Now I am no longer in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to You. Holy Father, keep through Your name those whom You have given Me, hat they may be one as We are. While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your name. Those whom You gave Me I have kept; and none of them is lost except the son of perdition, that the Scripture might be fulfilled." John 17:10-12 
Arm Bearer Ministry
The purpose of this ministry is to act as strength in prayer and encouragement for our Pastor. This ministry not only encourages our Pastor and his family with intercessory prayer, but also with monthly sacrificial giving and prayer for the leadership of the church.

Genesis Outreach (GO) Ministry
The purpose of this ministry is to verbally witness to the lost about Jesus Christ. It is to share the gospel with men, women, boys and girls. The good news of Jesus Christ needs to be proclaimed outside the four walls of the Church. If you are not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and do not want to keep salvation to yourself, feel free to let the Lord use you. It is all of our responsibility "For the Gospel of Christ is the power unto salvation to those who believe ".

Pastoral Appointment• Discipleship Ministry: - Is designed to assist the Pastor in bringing new members to maturity in Christ Jesus. When properly executed the ministry will assure a smooth and secure transition of new members into the Genesis Family. We counsel individuals as they make a decision to answer the call to discipleship and counsel concerning their conversion and baptism. We disciple prospective new members and we develop a lasting relationship with new family members that aid them through their entire growth process at Genesis Bible Fellowship Church.

Counseling Ministry:  Pastoral Appointment
Ministerial Staff: Pastoral Appointment


The Educational and Resource Ministry of Genesis Bible Fellowship Church invites all members into a deeper faith by engaging their spirituality through intellectual and creative teaching and biblical materials. We offer many exciting study classes from the nursery level to adults focusing on biblical, historical, and spiritual topics.
"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."2nd Timothy 2:15
The Genesis Educational & Resource Ministries consists of multiple components but all serving under one purpose:
AWANA Ministry - ages 3 -16 years old
Drama Ministry
Education Resource Center
Newsletter Ministry
Nursery Ministry 
- 3 months to 3 years old
Primary Church 
- 4 to 12 years old
Vacation Bible Study (VBS) 
- Everybody and any age


The Fellowship Ministries of Genesis Bible Fellowship Church has three scriptural components: (1) Spiritual communication where we share the things of Christ with you; (2) Sympathies cooperation where we work together for Christ and (3) Sweet Communion where we partnership together for the Glory of Christ.
I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, 4 always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy, 5 for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now, 6 being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ; Phil. 1:3-6
The Fellowship Ministries consists of multiple components but all serving under one purpose:
Marriage God's Way - To strengthen and encourage marriages to honor the Lord Jesus through practical application of the Word of God.
Men's Ministry (Genesis Fishers of Men) - The Men's Ministry meets for prayers, discussions, and have fellowships and retreats to encourage and edify men in the body. "One man encouraging another man to become a man."
Seasoned Saints Ministry -The mission of the Season Saints Ministry is to provide a working resource that addresses the spiritual, physical, and social needs of Saints sixty (60) years and older.The ministry's goal is to provide outreach by having information, awareness activities, and training on topics/subjects of interest for Season Saints.  They will also encourage having "a one another mindset" through Jesus Christ and Fellowship by providing activities tailoring to their special events and individual needs.
Single Mother's Ministry - A support ministry that seeks to provide encouragement, prayer, fellowship and supplying of practical resources for the single mother and her child/children.
Women's Fellowship - The Women's Ministry meets for prayer, fellowship activities, and retreats. It encourages women to grow in the Word of God while building relationships with other women in the church.

God's house

These ministries are solely responsible for the Maintenance, Cleanliness, Order and Protection of God's people.
"I was glad when they said to me, 'Let us go into the house of the Lord.'" Psalm 122:1
The God's House Ministries consists of multiple components but all serving under one vision:
Facility Maintenance - The Facility Maintenance Ministry is composed of skilled men and women who maintain the Genesis Bible Fellowship Church. This ministry provides maintenance, repair and resource team, Baptismal Set-Up and Break down as well as snow removal and maintaining the Church property.
Housekeeping Ministry - Responsible for enhancing the beauty of the church through cleaning.
Security Control Ministry -This ministry serves the church by providing the congregation a safe and secure place to worship. We work with the disorderly and disruptive as well as encourage and praise the faithful.
Usher Ministry - As Ushers, we have the privilege of meeting and greeting the body of Christ as they enter into worship. We are blessed to serve as doorkeepers. As we serve as doorkeepers, seat people, serve communion and collect the offering, we see the power of God as he moves upon His people. We also work closely with the Security Control Ministry to serve as additional eyes for them.


The Genesis Bible Fellowship Music Ministry is dedicated to proclaiming Christ as the Savior through praise, dance and worship music to strengthening and enriching the spiritual life of the congregation, and bring non-believers into God's kingdom through music.
"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. These ministries are solely responsible for the Maintenance, Cleanliness, Order and Protection of God's people."  Col. 3:16
The Genesis Music Ministries consists of multiple components but all serving under one vision.
Genesis Bible Fellowship Mass Choir 
Genesis Bible Fellowship Wednesday Praise and Worship Team  
Fishers of Men (Men's Choir)
Devotion In Motion (Praise Dancers)
Silent Knight (Mime Ministry)
Rays of Praise - Youth and Young Adult Choir between the ages of 13-27 years.


"Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men." Phil. 2:5-7

The Serving Ministries of Genesis Bible Fellowship Church:
Good Samaritans - Provides first aid and medical attention to the congregation of Genesis Bible Fellowship Church. The Good Samaritan promotes good health care, by encouraging regular doctor's visits and regular necessary testing. They are there to serve as an additional resource, for health care questions. A background in medicine is not necessary to become a part of this vital ministry. We desire individuals with the gift of mercy and ability to remain calm during times of emergency.
Hospitality Ministry - Purpose is to minister to one another to the Glory of God. We accomplish this by creating a warm and welcoming environment for fellowship, providing care and comfort to those in need and encouraging others. Acts of kindness does for others as unto God. The Hospitality Ministry is composed of three areas of ministry: Serving, Communion and Helping Hands.
Personal Touch Ministry - To serve our visitors and the Genesis Family with a word of encouragement and deed. The Personal Touch Ministry consists of four components: Greeters; Correspondence; Tract Rack and Telephone.
 Sick & Shut Ministry - The purpose is to help meet the spiritual needs of those members who are unable to attend regular Sunday Services. We make visitations or telephone calls designed to comfort, encourage, strengthen, inform, sympathize with and pray for or with those members. The Sick & Shut In also reaches out to those who are in a nursing facility.


"So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." 
Romans 10:17

Audio Ministry - Responsible for setting up all audio equipment for all service function of the Church. The Audio Ministry produces and reproduces quality sound that does not interference with original design of the messenger, but enhances and makes clear what is being presented to the listening audience.

Multi-Media Ministry - The Multimedia ministry falls under the auspices of the Audio Ministry. We exist to inform, educate and encourage the Genesis Family to take part in our many ministry areas, and to inspire worship, praise, and thanksgiving to our God.

Duplication Ministry - Duplicates the sermons preached from the pulpit of Genesis Bible Fellowship Church in CD format for distribution from the Tape Room, Web Store, and Sermon Mailing and to the Members and Ministries of Genesis. We maintain a catalog of all sermons. CDs are available after morning service for a small donation. The heart of the ministry is to spread the Word of God.

Youth And Young Adult Ministries

The Youth and Young Adult Ministries of Genesis Bible Fellowship is here to share in the lives of young adults as we stand beside them to strengthen them in their walk with the Lord and pray with them as they seek guidance from the Scriptures in all they undertake. The Word of God becoming a life-focus and lived out practically is what we emphasize in our Bible studies and our fellowships.
"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward." Psalm 127:3 
The Youth & Young Adult Ministry consists of multiple components but all serving under one vision:
Buds 2 Blooms 
- Purpose is to mentor young girls in the age group of 5-11 in areas pertaining to faith, academic an personal growth.
Daughters of the King 
- Purpose is to guide female teens of Genesis through adolescence by introducing, fostering and cultivating a special relationship with Jesus Christ. Through that relationship, we seek to equip, encourage and support them in living a godly life presenting their bodies as living sacrifices unto God.
Dimes Ministry 
- To show young women how to be a "10" in the eyes of the Lord. This ministry will focus on self-esteem, appearance, health, spiritual maturity and much more.
Boys of Christ 
- To develop godly relationships with young men. Our job is to develop young men to be more like Christ.
- To stimulate spiritual growth and excitement in the lives of the young people between the ages of 13-18 at Genesis. To assist the youth to realize the Lord's plan for their lives through prayer and relationship building and to help them to work out their own salvation.