SCRIPTURE: “Jesus said to him, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. 7 If you had known the Me, you would have known My Father also; And from now on you know Him and have seen Him.” John 14:6,7
Here it is apparent that some of the Disciples were quite disturbed by Jesus’ leaving and that they are told; they can’t follow now, but they shall follow Him afterward. Jesus speaks to His Disciples concerning His departure. He seriously sought to calm their fears and offer words of comfort and words that would give them confidence (John 14:1-2). His going away filled their hearts with sorrow. They had been with Him for some three years. Beloved, they really wanted Jesus to reign as King. The Disciples see themselves reigning with Him. Jesus assured them that His departure is for their benefit. His departure was not an abandonment, but that He was going ahead to make ready their eternal home. Beloved, when your time comes, have no fear, Heaven is being prepared for you too. I Thessalonians 4:16-17, Christ’s return (rapture) to receive His Saints and take them to Heaven.

Jesus makes this exclusive claim-that He is “the way,” the truth, and the life (John 14:6). This way is not a map, or a path; it is a person. One can ONLY access the Lord through Jesus Christ. Through Jesus, you can only enter into Heaven. To know the Father and the way to the Father, you MUST come through Jesus.

Jesus is also “the truth.” He says His Word is the source of truth (John 8:31-32). The truth sets one free from the bondage of sin (John 8:34-35). Free indeed (John 8:36). One cannot change the truth, but the truth can change us. It sanctifies (sets apart) us from our sinful nature for God’s special use. God is the truth because He is the living and true God (Jeremiah 10:10), and eternal King.

Jesus is “the life.” We are taught that God spoke, and all life came from His action. “For by Him all things were created- and in Him all things are held together” (Colossians 1:16-17). Jesus as “the Word,” can give eternal life. (John 14:6) When Jesus says that He is “the way, truth and life”- you might be left wondering, how can He be all that to you and me? “I am” is a claim of deity. He is God who clothes Himself in flesh and becomes a way out of the mess which Adam found himself. He became the way of righteousness and holiness, which Adam did not do. He is the perfect sacrifice who could bear the sins of many, He is God (Isaiah 53:12; I Peter 1:24). “It is by grace, through faith in Christ alone.” He becomes the way to the Father through faith. His truth is ours through faith; Life and life abundant (John 10:10) becomes ours through faith. He is not a far-off God; but God with us, through faith.” (Reference-CN Willborn: How is Jesus the Way, Truth and the Life)

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I desire to know more and more about You through Your Son. As a follower of Christ Jesus, Lord God and Savior; I want to walk in the truth, believe in the truth, and speak the truth in love (Ephesians. 4:32) in Jesus. Amen.
By Sis. Novella D Carpenter


Pat Towns - March 26th, 2025 at 10:44am

Amen! There's only one way to the Father and that's through the Son.

Deacon Brockington - March 29th, 2025 at 5:19am

Amen! Jesus is LORD. Praise be to GOD!






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