SUNDAY MORNING PRAYERS with Pastor Wayne Cockrell
2 Peter 1:5-8
2 Peter 1:5-8

Most gracious God, we go into the new year, yes, we look back and there is grief, there is suffering, there is remembrances of pain, but Lord we face the new Year knowing that You have sustained us through all of that. We come to this place with an assurance that the same God that kept us last year, is the same God that has given unto us promises that are exceeding and great and precious and by them Lord God and through them Lord God You have given unto us assurance in our hearts (2 Peter 1:4). So, today, we have a confidence, because of the Lord Jesus our Savior. The Lord Jesus our Savior, we lift Him up, our King of Kings, our Lord of Lords, our great High Priest, our Intercessor, our Mediator, we lift Him up and we praise His name, and we are looking for His return. This might be the year that our Lord Jesus will descend from heaven with a shout, and it could be the year, and we cry out, “Even so come Lord Jesus, come Lord Jesus!” (Revelation 22:20) But until that time Lord, keep us and help us to be faithful. Until that time, use us to serve You for Your pleasure, Your glory, Your praise. Until that time, stabilize our hearts to wait to be patient, to be keeper of Your Word. Help us Lord, as You have done so far, and we will give You praise. Father, there are some of us teetering on the fence, we know we ought to be serving You, we know we ought to be obedient to You, and we are struggling, hanging on the fence. Today, do a mighty move of motivating us, of lifting us out of those restraints, removing those bondages, those things that keep us from being who You want us to be. We want those shackles broken so that we might move ahead with a new freedom, a new zeal, a new zest in our hearts, a new enthusiasm of living for You. Oh God, there are some struggling in their hearts with weakness, frailty, disappointment. Some who we have been praying for a long time, and things have not come through, sustain that heart, strengthen those weak knees, Lord God. Build them up because our salvation is nearer than when we first believed, (Romans 13:11 ) and we thank You for that. Bless our church home, bless our church family. You have sustained us for all of these years, You have built this church and made it what it is. You have given us all these things to be good stewards over, now Lord, give us wisdom. Give us guidance that we might be good stewards of the manifold grace of God (1 Peter 4:10 ) and serve You in every capacity bringing glory and honor and praise!
Lord, I want to lift up to You the children. I pray Jesus, please send us children. Children, we want children. All over the world, children are being lost, abandoned, abused, put in sex slavery. We want, Lord, a freedom of those children and then send some to us, that we may nurture and build them up, that we might guide them in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6), train them up in the fear and admonition of You (Ephesians 6:4 ) so that the next generation, when some of us are gone and in our grave, that next generation would be raised up strong, mighty people of faith, holding on and letting You use them and we’ll give you praise for it all in the matchless name of Jesus we pray, Amen and Amen!
Pastor Wayne Cockrell
Lord, I want to lift up to You the children. I pray Jesus, please send us children. Children, we want children. All over the world, children are being lost, abandoned, abused, put in sex slavery. We want, Lord, a freedom of those children and then send some to us, that we may nurture and build them up, that we might guide them in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6), train them up in the fear and admonition of You (Ephesians 6:4 ) so that the next generation, when some of us are gone and in our grave, that next generation would be raised up strong, mighty people of faith, holding on and letting You use them and we’ll give you praise for it all in the matchless name of Jesus we pray, Amen and Amen!
Pastor Wayne Cockrell
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1 Comment
Yes Lord, You have sustained us through all of that in 2024. Thank You for being our Intercessor, our Mediator, Lord! Yes Lord, use us to serve You for Your pleasure, Your glory, Your praise. And Lord DELIVER, DELIVER, DELIVER these thousand and tens of thousands of children from the hands of evil men. Give these children a glimmer of Your hope so their joy is not utterly diminished.