One Thing Needed

SCRIPTURE: “Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment.” Matthew 22:37-38
Mary of Bethany (Luke 10:38-42) chose to have a heart devoted to Jesus because she discerned the priority and importance of time spent with Him (the one thing needed). Mary had the physical presence of the Lord, thereby choosing to take every opportunity to be with Him when He visited, to come to know, and worship Him.

The husband, the children, the job, ministry, being a caregiver, and the many vicissitudes of life are particularly challenging. We all have legitimate responsibilities that fight for top priority on our agenda. But that is where the problem begins – it’s our agenda and not God’s agenda. The Lord knows how to “stress-less” our day when we chose Him as the priority and ask Him to order our steps.

The Lord Jesus Christ was to soon taste the bitterness of the cup of sin by dying on the cross. Mary’s “one thing” sensitized her to prepare Him for His upcoming death and a new place of intimacy with Him. Her devoted heart gave Him her best in the place she had been planted.

PRAYER: Dear Jesus, may we choose today the “one thing needed” and that is to know, love, and worship You and to “Bloom where we are planted.”
By Sis. Cheryl Torain

1 Comment

Paula S. - February 18th, 2025 at 8:54am

Amen, how good it is to start your day with Jesus! Lord knows, everything competes for your attention. Let us begin our day at His feet! Amen!







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