Prayer for the Generations to Come

Deuteronomy 6:1-9
Our Father and our God, as we come to You today, we come believing the truth that You
have taught us over the years, that the times that are and the times that are to come,
never escape the ultimate authority of Your sovereign control. Today our Father in
Heaven, most of us from time to time have prayed in various ways for the generations
that have and will come from us. Our children, their children, and all the future
generations that will come from us through them if time continues until the return of our
Savior, Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. We are concerned and even in many cases
alarmed because we face the same old generational crises that You have seen before,
but the times we live in are more critically evil than any other time in human history,
except in the times of Noah as You have instructed us, (Genesis 6:3; Matthew 24:37).
Oh Lord, it is not that many of them have lacked exposure to examples and the
teachings of Your righteous Word in their rearing, but there has risen up postering spirits
who pose as a new generation of new understanding that has deceived many to follow
a way that seems right, but they hide the truth by falsely using Your Word to shield their
lies (2 Corinthians 11:13-15). Many are becoming a generation that does not know You
according to truth and many have fallen away and given into a level of hardness that
exalts itself against the knowledge of the very truth that can save their souls. Our
Father, we are concerned because some of them show every outward sign that they are
not saved and that mindset can very well be what they will pass on their children,
starting a line of transgenerational rebellion to You. Having a form of godliness, but
denying, resisting, and even rebelling against the very power that You freely offer that
brings eternal life to all who truly received Jesus as their Savior. Lord, our God, we lift
them up before Your throne of grace, asking for the salvation of every soul that has
come from us and every soul that comes from them in the future. We know that this
request is a big and seemingly impossible, and not likely to the human mind, but You
are our God. We have seen no word from You to forbid us from asking for such a big
thing, the salvation and sanctification unto You of our future generations that have and
are to come from us. After all, Oh God, it is not just for us that we ask this big thing, but
it is for Your glory also. We want all of our future generations to be numbered among
the host of faithful servants in the future who will bear witness to You, the true and living
God, and the great witness of Your Son and our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. You said
our Father, if we train them up in the way they should go, that when they are old, they
will not part from that training and instruction in righteousness we gave to them
(Proverbs 22:6; Deuteronomy 6:7). Help us Father to do our part, so that we can be
assured that the promise of Your part can come to fruition, and we will give You the
praise, in Jesus’ name, amen and amen. Thank You.
Pastor Wayne Cockrell


Dea. Brockington - January 29th, 2025 at 11:52am

Lord, bless the children, and the children of their children. May we all rise to our appointment to be Your ambassadors in their eyes. Amen.

Novella D Carpenter - January 29th, 2025 at 1:33pm

Amen! I am reminded of my fathers' teaching of his children from the Word of God. It is true that, the Word does not depart from the children. Thank You Lord, and thanks to the Holy Spirit Who is never wrong, Hallelujah!

Paula S. - January 29th, 2025 at 8:27pm

Thank you for this prayer, Pastor, though it hurts my heart. Father forgive this generation. May there be a remnant of true believers to teach the generations to come.

Wendy - January 29th, 2025 at 9:42pm

Amen and Amen ! Lord let praises carry the truth,to the next generation will follow God’s heart,and direction for their lives!!

Deborah Whye - January 29th, 2025 at 9:47pm

Amen and Amen! Thank you Pastor for. this prayer! I pray for this generation and the ones to come that they not forget from whence they've come, the teaching of the truth taught by their parents from the Word of God.

Cheryl Torain - January 29th, 2025 at 11:31pm

I thank You Lord for Your Word that won’t return void, Thank You for being Sovereign and Faithful.






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