Prayer of Dedication to Our Lord

Isaiah 6:1-8
Oh Mighty God our Father, we bend our knees before You again this day, through the Lord Jesus Your Son and yielding ourselves to the Holy Spirit to pray from the depths of our hearts where the true us cannot hide. So, as we come to our knees, we desire to cleanse ourselves of all filthiness of the flesh and spirit by confessing our known and even unaware sins before You. We desire to rise once again today forgiven, cleansed from all unrighteousness and unshackled from any form of guilt, shame, and a crippling sense of unworthiness in pursuit of living out the purposes You have for us. Though we may have to come with our heads bowed down and our feeble knees from failure, disappointment, and discouragement, You have been the great lifter of our heads and the strength that straightens our knees to continue what You began in us when we first believed in Jesus.

It can never be forgotten by us who believe that we live in a relationship with You that requires dependency to be and become that which should bring glory unto You. To have been entrusted with so great a task in life brings great joy yet coupled with a fearful accountability. It is that sense of seriousness that is often prone to wander into
the background as we are encumbered with so many earthly cares and pursuits in this life You have entrusted to us. We forget we bear Your name through Your Son. We forget You have entrusted to us to be lights that guide others to find the True Light of salvation. We allow ourselves at times to be encumbered by the weights that easily
beset us in this call to run the race that You have set before us. Oh God, today we desire not to succumb to anything or anybody that distracts us from the duties in life that You have set for us as Your children that should be our first and highest priorities, and please grant us wisdom to always make those choices that yield the highest success and fruitfulness to Your praise, honor and the highest glory that is due Your name. Now Oh God, we open our hands and our hearts to receive whatsoever You choose to add to us that makes us more and more likened to the image of our Lord Jesus, Your Great Son. In His Blessed Name we pray, amen and amen.
Pastor Wayne Cockrell

1 Comment

Cheryl Torain - January 17th, 2025 at 10:47am

Amen and Amen to our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ!!!






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