Prayer When Faith is Tested: Accepting God’s Will
2 Corinthians 4:16-18
2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Oh Lord, our God, how often in life do we find ourselves tested when we have to accept the worse things in this life. There are times when we can find no solace in the best that this world has to offer us and in some of those times it appears Your silence makes our test even a greater hurdle in our time of crisis. It is a fact of our faith that no matter what befalls us, Your promised presence and Word will never fail us. We find ourselves in such a season surrounded by sickness, discouragement, and the potential of death. We know Father that as long as we try to make sense out of life through the limitations of our own thinking and emotions, we will fall short of any rest, peace, and understanding. Some of us are at a crisis of faith, a time that makes us plant our peg of faith deeply into what we believe about our true and living God. We believe that You are able to preserve us in any way You have determined we must walk through in this life. Please our Father, strengthen our hearts that we may maintain the integrity of our faith in You. In seemingly uncertain days, with our eyes, cause us to see, through the eyes of the faith, that You have given to us the certainty of our hope in You. In these times that You have allowed to come upon us, You cause us to answer the question of where do we put all of our hope? Our hope is without question, in You and You alone. You have set us in position as eternal people of Your own personal possession. You cause us to look beyond the immediate moment and matters we face, to see that our lives and existence are much more than a vapor and a breath. From eternity past, before the foundation of the world, to eternity that is future and forever, we will remain the apple of Your eye. So now our God, whatever these trying things may be, we see that they are
just a speck in the grand scheme as we journey through this barren land as Your sons and daughters. They are mysteriously and miraculously working a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory beyond our immediate comprehension to be fully realized by us according to Your appointed time.
As we sing to You, Oh God, the words of the great hymn, “My Faith Has Found a Resting Place,” “Enough for me that Jesus saves, This ends my fear and doubt; A sinful soul I come to Him, He’ll never cast me out. I need no other argument, I need no other plea, It is enough that Jesus died and that He died for me”. In His name we pray, amen and amen.
Pastor Wayne Cockrell
just a speck in the grand scheme as we journey through this barren land as Your sons and daughters. They are mysteriously and miraculously working a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory beyond our immediate comprehension to be fully realized by us according to Your appointed time.
As we sing to You, Oh God, the words of the great hymn, “My Faith Has Found a Resting Place,” “Enough for me that Jesus saves, This ends my fear and doubt; A sinful soul I come to Him, He’ll never cast me out. I need no other argument, I need no other plea, It is enough that Jesus died and that He died for me”. In His name we pray, amen and amen.
Pastor Wayne Cockrell
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Yes my Eternal Father You alone are my resting place and I love You!!!
Amen and Amen!