Prayer For Sight in the Midst of Loss
Psalm 121
Psalm 121

Our Father in Heaven, great is Your name and great is the worship due You with all of our hearts. Before You today I bow in the adoration of praise with much thanksgiving for the possessions that are mine through the assurances of Your promises. There are times Father when all around us it seems hard to look beyond the barrenness that tries our faith in times of loss and pain. What would we have to hold on to if we did not have the expectation and hope that is in You. There is the reality of loss in this world and the life we are called to live. We lose people not only in death, but in broken relationships that we put our whole center into at some point, and when they are broken for whatever reason, we realize there is only You that we can have an enduring confidence that You will never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). Without You Lord God, these losses would keep us locked into a painful void and a seemingly unbearable emptiness that cuts to the deepest regions of our being. Without You Lord, many are locked into these places and struggle finding their way out, or really their way back to You. Loss of any kind, with all of its dreariness, is one of those painful teachers that show us the truth of where we really are with You. It makes us answer the question when these losses come, “Is our Lord enough for me?” to fill us and sustain us through these feelings and thoughts that tempt us to resign and surrender our hearts to a perpetual state of brokenness, despair, depression, and even loneliness? The answer that You give to us is a resounding, “YES YOU ARE ENOUGH.” Forgive us for giving in to doubt and looking in all the wrong places for that which only You can fix and provide in those deep places. Father God, we have forgotten that what You have done for others, and what You may have done for us in the past, You can and have promised to still do supernaturally and miraculously in those deep places that only You can reach. Lord our God, this Psalm not only declares Your presence is a blessed certainty to us, but Your power, protection, and provision are there to be found when we are willing to look above and only to You with a single-minded faith that will settle for nothing less and nothing else but You.
Please our Father and God, as You search our hearts today, there are some among us that have or are under intense pressure to lose our way of fellowship and faithfulness unto You. We have cast off what we began to do for You and have made whatever the losses that have occurred more important than You. Please do the miraculous and restore to us today the full joy and peace and fullness of passion that is rooted in You. In the blessed name of Jesus our Lord we pray, amen and amen.
Pastor Wayne Cockrell
Please our Father and God, as You search our hearts today, there are some among us that have or are under intense pressure to lose our way of fellowship and faithfulness unto You. We have cast off what we began to do for You and have made whatever the losses that have occurred more important than You. Please do the miraculous and restore to us today the full joy and peace and fullness of passion that is rooted in You. In the blessed name of Jesus our Lord we pray, amen and amen.
Pastor Wayne Cockrell
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Amen and Amen. I will lift up mine eyes to the hills which comes my help. ALL of my help comes from the LORD??. Thank you Pastor for this timely prayer.
Amen and Amen!
Amen! Father thank you, that you are the source of all comfort. In His mercy and love!!