God’s Obedient Wild Kingdom (Part II)

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SCRIPTURE:  “For the Lord of hosts has planned, and who can frustrate it?   And as for His stretched-out hand, who can turn it back?”  Isaiah 14:27 (NASB)
        In the book of Numbers (22:28), we read that God miraculously empowered a donkey to speak to a man named Balaam because the latter, on a mission to badmouth God’s people, needed a WAKE-UP CALL to see the Angel of the LORD wielding a sword in the middle of the road, poised to slay both him AND Balaam!  (Way to look out, smart donkey!)  You’ve undoubtedly read about God’s use of a huge fish to “persuade” Jonah the reluctant prophet-evangelist, who wanted God to ZAP those foolish and cruel Ninevites (Jonah 1:17).  And let’s not forget the BEARS of 2 Kings 2:23, 24!  God sent out a couple of them (she-bears) to teach at least forty-two  young men to respect Elisha, His hand-picked prophet and successor to Elijah!  They’d been cruelly teasing the prophet, calling him ’baldy,’ as he was en route to Bethel to begin his Lord’s special assignment.

       I’m glad that our holy and ever-gracious heavenly Father lets us read about, and sometimes SEE, His being El Nekamoth (the God who avenges; Ps. 18:47; Rom. 12:19).  [That said, we’re also commanded to never gloat over our enemies’ downfall; otherwise, the LORD will see such gloating and be displeased, and turn His anger away from our enemy [Proverbs 24:17, 18].
Dear readers, in ALL matters pertaining to this earthly life,  we would be wise to get on the LORD’S side, as was Job, who famously asserted, “I know that You can do ALL things, and that NO purpose of YOURS can be thwarted.” [Job 42:2]

PRAYER:  Dear Abba, help us to recognize afresh that You have indeed made ALL things—including both animals and habitually unrepentant human beings-- to fulfill Your divine purposes.  Thank You in Jesus’ name—amen!
 By Sis. Denise Diggs

1 Comment

Neal and Debora - February 9th, 2023 at 10:59pm

Amen . The Lord uses whom and what He will, how He will, to fulfill His divine purpose.






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