People Who Had a Turnaround

SCRIPTURE: Philippians 1:21-30 For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. 22 But if I live on in the flesh, this will mean fruit from my labor; yet what I shall choose I cannot tell. 23 For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better. 24 Nevertheless to remain in the flesh is more needful for you. 25 And being confident of this, I know that I shall remain and continue with you all for your progress and joy of faith, 26 that your rejoicing for me may be more abundant in Jesus Christ by my coming to you again.
Striving and Suffering for Christ
27 Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel, 28 and not in any way terrified by your adversaries, which is to them a proof of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that from God. 29 For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake, 30 having the same conflict which you saw in me and now hear is in me.
As I consider my relationship with Jesus Christ,
I must examine my devotion to Him in daily life.

I’ve testified that He found me lost in my sin, wondering,
I’ve testified that He found me at my worst, suffering.

Today, I am no longer dead, but alive, living out my divine abilities,
My chemistry with the Holy Spirit leads me to function in ministry.

Therefore, have I truly been a good steward of what He has given me?
After all, He saved me to deliver the gospel to family, neighbors, and enemies.

It’s simple yet urgent, I am alive to glorify Him,
That’s why it’s important to align and abide within.

Declaring I was once dead then buried, and now alive to replicate His image,
Publicly making His name known through my testimony as a primary witness.

This Christian walk is about conviction, not preference,
It’s not about a good feeling, it’s about serving the Lord with reverence.

My lifestyle should be rooted, inspired, and centered around Him,
Confession and repentance are necessary to deal with private and public sin.

My conduct should be worthy of Christ with righteousness,
Completely seeking and trusting His ways through oneness.

It’s an obligation! It’s a responsibility! It’s a duty! It’s a debt!
It’s no longer about me, it’s whether the Kingdom’s mission is kept.

From day one of this new life, my priority, devotion, and loyalty is key,
My assignment is to diligently sustain fellowship with the Lord daily.

This love relationship is the highest form of surrender, obligation, and commitment,
My spiritual turnaround as a citizen for Christ will ultimately become legitimate.

PRAYER: Thank You Father! You have provided what’s necessary to glorify Your name. Continue to convict and redirect us to make Your ways our aim. You saved us to live solely for You! Cultivate Your Word in our hearts so we know exactly what to do. You’re worthy! In the matchless name of Jesus!
By Bro Glenny Moore
Inspired by Pastor Cockrell’s message “Being Citizens for Christ”

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