CANDIDATES AND LEADERS: Choose The Perfect Policy Rather Than the Perfect Person

45 Days of Praying for the Elections - Day 18
SCRIPTURE: “But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another!” Galatians 5:15
Let’s unveil the ideal and appropriate candidate for this year’s presidential election,
The one that is preparing to address the issues of our nation will be the favorable selection.

Unfortunately, the fight and battle have been between the candidates through personal attacks,
Who will provide clarity about where we are going as a nation to spiritually recover from where we are at.

We must remain in prayer to distinguish which candidate values what God values,
When unsure or uncertain, we must select the one with policies closer to biblical principles.

When a candidate makes it clear what their stance is on abortion, health care, immigration, or law enforcement,
We are held accountable for what we openly agree to because our future will be cursed or blessed by our endorsement.

So, we don’t have time to waste with bickering and quarreling about who is more likable than the other,
When it is time to vote, the candidate’s policies should be proof that the Lord's concerns are covered.

After all, evil and the evil one have a plan that is inviting, yet misleading,
He tricks and distracts us to focus on the people, rather than their agenda which can be deceiving.

Remember, the devil is cunning in his ways with an appearance that’s appealing,
Our choice for the next president cannot be persuaded by personal preference, likeability, or feelings.

What good is a nation that’s happy with a choice, yet divided,
An agenda standing by God’s truth relishes in biblical alignment.

My ballot should reflect a biblical theme validated by the Lord’s truth,
If we are irresponsible with our choices, pro-abortion, gender discrepancies, and other evil will become the proof.

Therefore, avoid focusing on the battle between the candidates and zoom in on their agenda and policies,
Put your personal preferences and feelings aside and pray for the candidate with godly standards rather than fallacy.

Prayer: Holy Spirit convict us! Holy Spirit direct us! Holy Spirit make your ways outweigh our preferences and feelings. Give us wisdom and discernment in this upcoming election. Please give us the desire and strength to search for the best candidate. Let us continue to pray for these candidates so that it will be crystal clear who You want as the next president. We lift this prayer in the name of Jesus.
By Bro. Glenny Z. Moore


McNeal & Debora Brockington - October 9th, 2024 at 8:21am

Amen. Better to lose all our teeth rather than to bite and devour one another... Prayerfully we'll keep our teeth and discover the place for unity, and the cause to smile for the presence of grace at work [at least in the church], upholding Christ, our banner.

Paula S - October 11th, 2024 at 5:09am

Yes, this line right here: “ We must remain in prayer to distinguish which candidate values what God values,” Amen Bro. Glenny.

Lisa - October 11th, 2024 at 6:46am







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