45 Days of Praying for the Elections
SCRIPTURE: “My son, let them not depart from your eyes— Keep sound wisdom and discretion; 22 So they will be life to your soul And grace to your neck. 23 Then you will walk safely in your way, And your foot will not stumble.” Proverbs 3:21-23
What will it take to have sound judgment in this year’s election,
What option is available that resembles godly morals and protection?

As voters, we desire results that spring from wisdom and discretion,
There is a biblical correlation that will raise conviction, questions, and corrections.

Believers must carefully assess what values each candidate’s policies serves,
Despite their personality or popularity, are our moral standards guarded and preserved?

My feelings, opinions, and thoughts cannot overshadow the election process,
What each candidate proposes, God’s wisdom and discretion will decide to keep or reject.

The candidate's campaign policies, if enacted, will dictate the direction of our nation,
Discernment will sift out God’s standards to reveal what’s of an evil persuasion.

Right before our eyes, the devil tricks us into focusing on the characters,
Right before the Lord’s eyes, He can judge their moral character.

Race, popularity, status, and gender have become the focus and agenda,
Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness becomes the real winner.

Now, that the Lord has our undivided attention,
May the people of God be kept safe while He is glorified through wisdom.

Lord, give the voters discretion in this election,
Let Your truth trump what is worldly impressive.

Give us no rest until we turn away from trouble,
Let us walk safely in Your way, and our feet will not stumble.

Prayer: Lord! Please give us the wisdom to determine the righteous choice in this presidential election. Allow us to discern what is in Your favor and what is not. Let Your ways be the standard. Let Your precepts craft the next president’s policies. Father! Let the results of the wisdom and discernment You give us bring this nation to a country that lives for Christ. In the matchless name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
By Bro. Glenny Moore


Deborah Whye - October 2nd, 2024 at 7:05am

Amen!! God's will be done!!!

McNeal & Debora Brockington - October 2nd, 2024 at 8:14am

Praying for you sis. Grace and peace.

McNeal & Debora Brockington - October 2nd, 2024 at 8:11am


nThe impact of policy will outlast the particularities of persons.

nVote prayerfully, and carefully, and in all things, bless God!






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