Preparation for Back to School

SCRIPTURE: “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
Have we really considered what our children are going back to?
Lord! We pray that You would reveal what belongs to the world and what’s Your Truth.

Satan will be glad to welcome our children and teach them for you,
Remember, he has his own message, kingdom, and teachers to do what we won’t do.

Believers of Christ are responsible for taking the initiative to transmit the truth to our children,
Provoking them to seek beyond what may be worldly attractive for what’s spiritually impactful.

Evil influencers are found in the streets, the school system, and even in the church,
Walking amongst our children prompting self-fulfillment that leads to lies, sin, and hurt.

So, when our children open their books, surf the internet, and interact with peers,
Our mission is to redirect and reteach to reestablish God’s truth against what they see, think, and hear.

These teachable moments are not meant to be exercised sometimes or occasionally,
Back to school means we must be even more aware to minister in love diligently.

Back to school means there will be more exposure to profane language and explicit encounters,
Back to school means we must carve out exclusive teachable lessons with biblical boundaries.

Neither the government nor the church has been charged to do what parents are supposed to do at home,
Back to school is a reminder that Christ's expectations through us will be modeled, mirrored, and shown.

Now, our preparation for back to school is attached to God’s promise and good news,
Feeding them the truth early in life will bring back to memory God’s truth, expectations, and rules.

Therefore, whether sons, daughters, nephews, nieces, or local children,
Back to school prompts us to train them up for God’s glory and His kingdom.

Prayer: Lord! I pray for Your Word to become our parents and children's determining factor in returning to school. Rebuke what the world offers and replace our mindsets with Your truth. Strengthen parents to be diligent and persistent in teaching the Word of God at home. Allow children to see Your warnings before the evil one attacks. Give the school system no rest until they bring back Biblical and godly principles. We ask these things in Your matchless name. Amen!
By Bro. Glenny Z. Moore


Deborah Whye - September 20th, 2024 at 5:40am


Denise Whye - September 20th, 2024 at 5:50am

Amen & Amen Brother Glenny! ??????






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