Summer of Psalms-Day 21-A Psalm 1 Refresher

Summer of Psalm- A Psalm 1 Refresher!
1 B________ is the m______ Who w_______ n____ in the c________ of the u_________,
N___ s_______ in the p_______     of s_________, N____ s_____ in the s______ of the s_________;
 2 B___ his d________ is in the l___ of the L_____,
And in H___ l____he m_________ d____ and n_______.
3 He s_______ be l____ a t____ p______ by the r____ of w_____,
T____ b_____ f_____ its f_____ in its s_________,
3 W____ l____ a____ shall not w_____;  and w_______ he d____ shall p______.
4 The u_____ a___ not s___,  B___ are l____ the c____ which the w___ d____ a____.
5 T______ the u_____ s____ not s_____ in the j_______, Nor s______ in the c_________ of the r_______.
6 F____ the L____ knows the w___ of the r_______, But t___ w___ o_ t__ u______ s_____ p______.
Psalm 1:1-6

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