Peace with Jesus

Nice people can have peace-it is manufactured through discipline and self-control. For the child of God true peace is a manifestation of the indwelling Holy Spirit and can’t be fudged by chants, burning incense, or sitting amongst the trees. This week our Devotional Team takes you on a journey of encouragement. Join us for “Peace Among the Saints” and be encouraged with this week’s scriptures and devotionals!
SCRIPTURE:  “If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.” Romans 12:18
SCRIPTURE:  “I, therefore, the prisoner [ of the Lord,] beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called…” Ephesians 4:1
Saints of God, if we are not careful, what we remember about our lives before Christ can serve to hinder us and steal our peace today; and we are in Christ! Our sins are great; there’s no way to count or name them; that’s why in Christ, we practice keeping a short account with our Lord. But there are some sins (Pre-Christ) that will nag us and threaten to render us ineffective. We can remember the date, time, location, person, etc. In Psalm 51, David acknowledged to God that his sin was ever before him. David expressed his desire to remember his sin so that it would motivate him not to go to those dark places again. Scripture lets us know that in this life there will be troubles to overcome. Jesus overcame this world and all of its troubles; therefore we can, too!.-Amen! Though common weapons are formed, troubles will rise against us, we can remain effective for the precious cause of Christ. We can propel above thoughts and fears that want to consume us. It is only with the One we proclaim the Author and Finisher of our Faith we can have success. Now to the King eternal, to the only wise God be honor and glory forever! He is able to be our stay on this side of eternity. For all Power belongs to Him; He washed us from all our sin; and we are bound for our heavenly home.

What we remember can try to steal the peace and joy of our salvation. We must have the memories of our sin to work and be for His glory. Yes, our testimony! We are who we are today because of Christ’s constant faithfulness and goodness toward us. Our past sins, count only to position us in a state of brokenness before an ever-loving God. God has the plans; and He demonstrated His love and plan even while we were yet sinners. We are grateful that His death and resurrection secured us a place of divine forgiveness, victory, and peace in Jesus the Christ. Hallelujah!

We can embrace the Peace of God! Though our sins be as scarlet; He washed them white as snow. He desires that we always know we need Him; and He is our only Strength and Comfort. He wants us to live assured that He has done it all for us. His desire is for us to know that with Him we can do all things, but without Him we are nothing; and we can do nothing. Living in these truths will cause us to see our Lord high and lifted. There is none like Him! He is for us and we can have peace that passes all understanding with Him for His glory.

Prayer: Lord, thank You, even for Your plan of providing great peace though we have failed. Your long- suffering, kindness, constant love, and Your Word swiftly come to our rescue. For You choose to use us to proclaim the works of Your hand to a dying world. We are ever grateful for how You remain our comfort, our motivation to continue to serve you humbly. For it is only when we understand Your mighty grace and mercy in light of our heinous acts against you that we can sincerely praise and worship You. You continue to cause us to triumph for Your kingdom; and for that we say, “Glory to Your Name, Most High!”  In Jesus’ Name-Amen!
By Sis. Lisa Williams


Wendy - May 9th, 2024 at 5:44pm

Amen! That peace which the Lord gives can be with you, at all times no matter what the situation...




Deborah Whye - May 9th, 2024 at 6:42pm

Amen! His peace is the only thing we can lean on! Thank you sister Lisa for this encouraging devotional!

Cheryl Torain - May 10th, 2024 at 12:14pm

Only Your peace Lord!!!






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