What the Wondrous Word of God Can Do in a Willing Servant

SCRIPTURE: “ I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies, as much as in all riches. 15 I will meditate on Your precepts and contemplate Your ways. 16 I will delight myself in Your statutes; I will not forget Your word.” Psalm 119:14-16
When I put the Word in me, I think about It. I break the Word down into small parts and I chew on It, I ruminate on It, I eat It, I bring It back, chew on It some more, and before you know it, It is unfolding like lettuce. What God said is much deeper than what I read on the surface. God is unfolding for me in my heart and in my mind what He is truly saying to me. God’s Word is valuable and alive and powerful and sharper than a two-edge sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and goes all the way down to the bone and the marrow and the joints (Hebrews 4:12). It goes all the way down in the inside and deals with the real us because what You and I see is not the real us.  You can look studious and holy and pious, but the Word of God, the Bible says, is a discerner, means it is an umpire-it calls the balls and strikes. (Hebrews 4:12)

The word meditation simply means to reflect on it. The idea is to mutter to myself, to speak it back to myself over and over.  You don’t need me to preach to you Monday through Saturday, you need to preach to yourself. Meditation on God’s Word is the speaking back to myself the bits that God has given me to chew on. All of you note takers, all of your notes mean nothing if they are just stuffed in a book waiting to be opened until the next Sunday. You need to be taking those bits and chewing on It, because what you get from my preaching is not all of what God wants to say to you. He’s only using me to awaken you, to stimulate you, to inspire you, but you should be saying, “I want to know more!”

Prayer: Our Heavenly Father, we want more of You and the only way we can accomplish this is to purpose to spend time in Your Word and at Your feet. We want to have Your Word  hidden so deeply in our hearts that our thoughts and actions continually reflect You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
By Pastor Wayne Cockrell


Deborah Whye - January 20th, 2024 at 5:29am

Amen and thank you Pastor for this encouraging and convicting devotional!!

Lisa Williams - January 20th, 2024 at 10:08am

Lord, thank you for Pastor!! We are getting prodded, nudged, tapped, pushed to know You. It's exciting!!! Help us to choose You and not the busyness of this life; help us to gain and be the conqueror You have willed for us to be...oh that we get to know You and glorify You with our whole heart, soul, and mind!! We have no place else to go. In Jesus' Name-Amen

Paula S - January 20th, 2024 at 11:28am

Such a great challenge to ruminate on God's Word. I am certainly challenged on that note taking. Thank you Pastor!

Cheryl Torain - January 20th, 2024 at 11:51am

Oh such love Lord that You would warn me and reward me when I learn of You from Your Word!!!

Novella D Carpenter - January 22nd, 2024 at 8:00am

Amen 🙏! God's Word is everlasting!






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