Notice God
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SCRIPTURE: “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8
What brings about the furtherance of the Gospel? Christ prophesied that the gospel would spread from Jerusalem (current location) to Judea (surrounding neighborhoods), Samaria (even further from its current location and nearby communities), and to the uttermost parts of the world. Jesus, in this verse, did not mention how He would carry out this mission. The early church met persecution, which caused the saints to be removed from their familiar comforts to other more remote locations. The early saints were encouraged and somehow motivated by the persecution to not just move, but do so with purpose. The gospel was preached in more places, and the church grew by leaps and bounds.
Today, I notice how storms, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunami’s, etc., bring about the furtherance of the gospel. The church knows to take advantage of these God orchestrated opportunities. Many Christian organizations begin to stir up the body to help bring relief to those people who are hit the hardest by the disasters. Missionaries are excited to travel to the suffering; and they provide not only physical relief, but yes, spiritual help. The body of Christ is moved to pray for those who travel to the disaster sites and ask God to soften the hearts of those disaster victims such that when the gospel is presented, they will hear and believe on Jesus as their Savior. Ultimately, the plan is to introduce the lost to Jesus the Christ, our Redeemer, through fulfilling needs with gifts and resources that bring about relief and restoration. Oh, that we can be active in fulfilling the will of God and glorifying His name!
PRAYER: Lord, we thank You for your plan and purposes. Teach us to always take advantage of the opportunities we have, even in disasters. That we may be so vigilant and ready to pray, give of our resources, preach the gospel and present the truths of Your Word to those whose hearts are softened by what You allow. Thank you, Lord, for Your determination to love us...In Jesus’ Name-Amen.
By Lisa Williams
Today, I notice how storms, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunami’s, etc., bring about the furtherance of the gospel. The church knows to take advantage of these God orchestrated opportunities. Many Christian organizations begin to stir up the body to help bring relief to those people who are hit the hardest by the disasters. Missionaries are excited to travel to the suffering; and they provide not only physical relief, but yes, spiritual help. The body of Christ is moved to pray for those who travel to the disaster sites and ask God to soften the hearts of those disaster victims such that when the gospel is presented, they will hear and believe on Jesus as their Savior. Ultimately, the plan is to introduce the lost to Jesus the Christ, our Redeemer, through fulfilling needs with gifts and resources that bring about relief and restoration. Oh, that we can be active in fulfilling the will of God and glorifying His name!
PRAYER: Lord, we thank You for your plan and purposes. Teach us to always take advantage of the opportunities we have, even in disasters. That we may be so vigilant and ready to pray, give of our resources, preach the gospel and present the truths of Your Word to those whose hearts are softened by what You allow. Thank you, Lord, for Your determination to love us...In Jesus’ Name-Amen.
By Lisa Williams
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Your Will Be Done
March 25th, 2025
In Captivity, But Still In His Plans
March 24th, 2025
SUNDAY MORNING PRAYERS with Pastor Wayne Cockrell
March 23rd, 2025
Praise God for Witnesses
March 22nd, 2025
March 21st, 2025
Believing God’s Promises
March 20th, 2025
The Road Not Taken
March 19th, 2025
A Good Faith System
March 18th, 2025
Listening for God’s Voice and Directions
March 17th, 2025
SUNDAY MORNING PRAYERS with Pastor Wayne Cockrell
March 16th, 2025
Yes, what a privilege to be the Lord's hands, feet, but most of all His heart!!
Thank You Lord ! Replace self foucsed thinking,with a God foucsed mind set!!
Amen-it's amazing how the Gospel is spread through trials and adversities. It is that message of hope and redemption that we have all needed and those who are suffering cling to it like a life line. Amen Sis. Lisa.
Thank You Lord ! Replace self foucsed thinking,with a God foucsed mind set!!
God knows how HIS gospel will reach the world's uttermost parts. Trust and obey!