What SHOULD We Be Doing?!?

SCRIPTURE:  “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?”     Ps. 11:3 (NASB)  

What indeed are we to be about in the midst of these times? —times where the message on a t-shirt I recently spotted on the “web  ” rings loud and true:  “Normal Isn’t Returning:  Jesus IS!”  (Rev. 14:1)    First and foremost, we must not descend into a pit of despondency, depression, or despair, like many who remain “in Adam,” their sins weighing them down!  Nor should we buy into the voice of the enemy telling us that our faith in Jesus is but a relic of a bygone era in human history.  “Ol’ Slewfoot,” as my maternal grandmother used to refer to Satan, is after all the father of LIES, and we must give him NO credence whatsoever!  We must rather be relentless, dear ones, in taking EVERY thought captive to the obedience of Christ! (2 Cor. 10:5) The enemy LOVES infiltrating the thoughts of people—especially God’s very own, and excels at disguising those thoughts as our own! (This doomed enemy of our souls is called “Diabolos” for good reason   ).
Kay Arthur, in her book Speak To My Heart, God, (1993), reminds us that we can do three crucial things as the world continues sliding down a very REAL slippery slope!  (1)  We must take the time to re-evaluate our priorities. [pp. 213, 214, STMHG] Take a critical look at how we’re spending the time we’ve been given.  “Night indeed comes when no man can work.”  Place and KEEP your focus on nurturing “a strong and intimate relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ. As we daily remain anchored in reading and meditating on His Word, this intensifies our faith and security—even better than moderate physical exercise does for our physical bodies! {1 Tim. 4:8}  Times like these separate the sheep from the goats and true Christ followers from those merely “galloping in the game!”  Remember, “a faith that can’t be tested, is a faith that can’t be trusted.”        

PRAYER:  Father God, we are thankful that what You have said and promised in Your Word about Yourself, ourselves, and this world, CAN   be trusted!  Let us, as we’ve been warned, ACT like people who know the truth as it is in Jesus!  In His faithful name we pray.  Amen!

(By Denise Diggs)

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