Scripture:  (John 1:39  NKJ) He said to them,  “Come and see.”They came and saw where He was staying and remained with Him that day.

Clearly, “come and see”  is an invitation Jesus gave the disciple when they inquired where He was staying. So it was; they followed Jesus to “where He was staying and was there with Him for that day” (1:39b). I’m sure they were surprised at His response and, furthermore, what would they see?  What could that mean? John (the baptist) and his disciples had heard Jesus speak and looked forward to a good Word. John welcomed the opportunity to point them to Jesus, the “lamb of God” (John 1:36).

Jesus has a plan. He always has a plan of action, and this plan will not disappoint, for it will reveal much more than the disciples could possibly imagine. When you accept the invitation to “come and see,” you are headed into a journey of spiritual growth from the Lamb of God. Time and actions in Jesus’ hand are never a waste. All that Jesus shares and experiences with the disciples will follow them into the world to benefit others.  While Jesus prepared the Disciples to go out, He was all-knowing: when to speak and when to demonstrate.

The disciples responded to the invitation from Jesus seemingly without hesitation. Yes, they followed Jesus to where He was staying; yet they received so much more by coming to see. They’d come to see and know who Jesus is. Jesus invited them into His life and a relationship with Him to confidently share with others through Word and testimony. Establishing a relationship was impactful and must now take root. Jesus’ invitation involves change. The disciples would become fishers of men (Matt.4:19). Therefore, they would need to rely upon Jesus’ training model to affect the now and the future.    

Beloved, you can learn from the teaching model Jesus shares with the disciples. Jesus’ teachings take on a combination of words and actions. Our educational systems use this model by combining classroom teaching with (lab) practicum sessions. This model appears to provide a deeper understanding of the concepts taught. It also is a way to ensure that instructions are being captured. When we allow our whole being to become part of the learning process, we understand better.

When you follow Jesus’ model of teachings, disciples being made will have an example to follow for going out and making more disciples. Teaching and experience together allow for developing a lasting relationship with the God who sends disciples out and the God who goes with them  (Matt. 28:19-20).

“Come and see” might appear to be outdated. Yet, Jesus Christ, today is extending a formal invitation to you and me to come and walk with Him- learn of Him and, most importantly, come and learn from Him. What will your response be?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I confess that I do not have things worked out in my mind that make me confident with my walk. Most assuredly without the help of the Holy Spirit. Thank you,  Holy Spirit,  for instructing and guiding me in all of life’s lessons. In Jesus. Amen

(by Novella D Carpenter)


Deborah Whye - December 20th, 2021 at 7:53am

Amen! Thank you sister Novella for this encouraging devotional!!

Marsha - December 20th, 2021 at 4:00pm


Debora - December 22nd, 2021 at 8:08am

Amen....Praise the Lord! Thank you Sister Novella for this lesson on how we can learn and duplicate the ways of Jesus, and develop an intimate relationship with Him.






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