OUR NATION AND THE ISSUES IT FACES: Our Only Refuge in The Midst of Troubles

45 Days of Praying for the Elections
SCRIPTURE: “God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.”  Psalm 46:1
Oh for the grace of God, Saints... Hallelujah! We have this hope; yes, this hope that helps us
to have peace and expectation above and beyond what we may see before us. Amen? Amen. We have been given the awesome challenge to pray for our nation and the issues we face as believers in a nation that is turning away from God. For such a time as this, God has given us the opportunity to represent Him! Amen! It is easy sometimes to believe that we are much stronger, even greater than we really are. We may call ourselves making decisions about the various matters in our lives; and only sometimes do we pray. However, even when we pray, we, often, forget to humble and settle ourselves to wait and hear God’s answer. Well, if it has not occurred to you, we need Christ Jesus for everything! And He desires us to know that He is our source of all that will sustain us routinely and especially in our crisis.

God in His infinite wisdom gave us so many passages in Scripture of how He helped His stiff-necked, yet chosen people. Whether in calm times or in a crisis, God wants us (like the children of Israel) to know He is the absolute Sovereign Ruler over any and all situations; there is no one (we can depend upon) besides Him. So, we ought to always pray to our Heavenly Father. God intentionally allows circumstances for His people; He wants us to know Him and understand that He will work on our behalf. At the end of Exodus 2:23-25, God gave us a pattern we, as His people, that we can apply to our life situations (whether big or small): (1) We should always pray or cry unto Him, (2) He will hear us for He has made us some promises; and (3) He will recognize our plight and His established plan for us and in His time His plan will come to fruition. Our coming to Him in dependence upon Him is precious and seen. It is never that He does not know what we are experiencing. No! God is Omniscient. Look at Exodus 3, the next chapter. The Lord in His appointed time initiates His already established plan to use Moses for the purpose of delivering Israel from the bondage of Egypt.

In the coming weeks, the people of our nation will be asked to cast a vote for governmental
candidates. Given that responsibility, we, the believers of Christ, are to choose candidates that will not cause us to go against what God has already said. Our choices must not be based upon our opinions or intellect. Superstitions should flee (forever)! Yes, we are the people of promise; we must pray believing God will hear us and He will see and acknowledge our tears (and dependence upon only Him). For He knows our afflictions and He is able to deliver us from them all (Psalms 34:19). Glory to God in the Highest!

Lord, we thank You so much for our trust and stay in You! We are safe in Christ Jesus. Everything You, Oh Lord, allow is for our good. Help us to always pray and expect from You, only...so that we are not disappointed or misled by any man or emotion. You are always Great and we Greatly Praise You; for there is no one like You, oh God...In Jesus’ majestic and precious Name-Amen!
By Sis. Lisa Williams


Deborah Whye - September 26th, 2024 at 5:14am

Amen and Amen!

Cheryl Torain - September 26th, 2024 at 8:07am

Praise the Lord for a powerful challenge!!!






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