Of late there have been some controversial, brow raising, anti-biblical statements made by several individuals in our places of employment, in the media, even in pulpits across America. What are we supposed to do with all of that? This week our devotional team tackles the topic, “Noting of Divisive People.” Saints, commit this scripture to memory, prepare to be encouraged, and be ye ready to give an answer to anyone who asks for a reason of hope that is in you with meekness and fear!
SCRIPTURE: "... watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. 18 For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive. 19 For your obedience is known to all, so that I rejoice over you; but I want you to be wise as to what is good and innocent, and as to what is evil." Romans 16:17-19 (ESV)

Goats do such that most sheep won't.
Porcupines move while cactus don't.
Sort out yer tares from the gathered up wheat,
As one's good fer nuthin' and one's good to eat.
An' so goes folks, sometimes in pews,
Wid some bein' fakes an' that ain't news:
So put on yer specks an' don't dare sleep,
Cuz sometimes dem 'wolves' suit up like sheep.
Yep. De devil be likin' it when y'all sleep!
Wisdom recognizes good from evil, and noting the difference matters. For we have a calling to live out, and a stance to take. Our open-book quiz is daily and by it we are informed of the reality of darkness, how cozy and familiar it can be, how inviting it often is, and if not persuasive pleasantly then brutally intimidating. We have met a miracle for good cause, as God has anointed us as kin. He has welcomed us into the household of faith, paying the high price for our deliverance. He is and has shown Mercy.
What do you say today, having such an indescribable gift? Pray for the impenitent. Avoid their yoke. Be indivisible, by His grace. Will you stand with the Lord? '"Take your sandal off your foot, for the place where you stand is holy." And Joshua did so.' Joshua 5:13
Prayer: Heavenly and eternal Father, in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, forgive me for any inclination to stray, in word, thought, demeanor, or deed. Help me to be an agent of unity among the beloved, and an ambassador of that loving hope so graciously given me, letting salvation be mine. Make repentance real for those on the fringes. I pray this in Your name. In like manner, bless those numbered as 'family'. Amen.
By Bro. McNeal Brockington
Porcupines move while cactus don't.
Sort out yer tares from the gathered up wheat,
As one's good fer nuthin' and one's good to eat.
An' so goes folks, sometimes in pews,
Wid some bein' fakes an' that ain't news:
So put on yer specks an' don't dare sleep,
Cuz sometimes dem 'wolves' suit up like sheep.
Yep. De devil be likin' it when y'all sleep!
Wisdom recognizes good from evil, and noting the difference matters. For we have a calling to live out, and a stance to take. Our open-book quiz is daily and by it we are informed of the reality of darkness, how cozy and familiar it can be, how inviting it often is, and if not persuasive pleasantly then brutally intimidating. We have met a miracle for good cause, as God has anointed us as kin. He has welcomed us into the household of faith, paying the high price for our deliverance. He is and has shown Mercy.
What do you say today, having such an indescribable gift? Pray for the impenitent. Avoid their yoke. Be indivisible, by His grace. Will you stand with the Lord? '"Take your sandal off your foot, for the place where you stand is holy." And Joshua did so.' Joshua 5:13
Prayer: Heavenly and eternal Father, in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, forgive me for any inclination to stray, in word, thought, demeanor, or deed. Help me to be an agent of unity among the beloved, and an ambassador of that loving hope so graciously given me, letting salvation be mine. Make repentance real for those on the fringes. I pray this in Your name. In like manner, bless those numbered as 'family'. Amen.
By Bro. McNeal Brockington
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One Thing Needed
February 18th, 2025
Apple of God’s Eye
February 17th, 2025
SUNDAY MORNING PRAYERS with Pastor Wayne Cockrell
February 16th, 2025
Stop In the Name of Love
February 14th, 2025
The Discipline of God
February 13th, 2025
Birthday Gifts for Pastor Wayne Cockrell.
February 12th, 2025
Will You Be Mine?
February 11th, 2025
Heart to Heart with God
February 10th, 2025
SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER with Pastor Wayne Cockrell
February 9th, 2025
A Prayer of Thanksgiving to God
February 8th, 2025
Amen brother Brockington! Thank you for this convicting devotional!
Amen, ðŸ™ðŸ¾...Draw me nearer, nearer blessed Lord To the cross where Thou hast died; Draw me nearer, nearer blessed Lord, To Thy precious bleeding side.
Thank you for a "right now" challenge to stand!!
Amen! Love this insight! Thank you.