Reliable Reasons [Part 2]

SCRIPTURE:  “If I had not done among them the works which no one else did, they would have no sin; but now they have seen and also hated both Me and My Father.” John 15:24 [NKJV]
One of my favorite Christian movies, “The Case for Christ,” (2017), tells of the conversion of former Chicago Sun Times Reporter Lee Strobel. His wife had been found by Christ, and this frustrated and angered him greatly. In response, Strobel launched an in-depth personal research campaign to thoroughly dismantle the biblical account of the Christ’s resurrection. He failed, of course, and after two years of desperately relentless research, embraced Christ as his personal Savior and Lord. In his research Strobel discovered “mountains” of incontrovertible evidence that supports the gospel account! The evidence he found does not at all lessen the reality of his conversion, as I imagine some Christians might think, who may have required less cerebral-type research to be profoundly convicted of their spiritual need of Jesus Christ. Skeptics today owe it to themselves and their eternal destiny to do no less! Let us consider a bit more some of the unique attributes of this One whom we, by His grace, worship as God the Son.
No other religious leader ever claimed to be the Promised Seed of Genesis 3:15 or the Alpha and Omega of Revelation 22:13. Who else has claimed to be the Great “I AM” in both Exodus 3:14 and John 8:58? Who else, but Jesus, has claimed the ability to forgive sins, thus identifying Himself as God? [Mark 2:5-7]. Who else, but our Savior, claimed to be as One with the Father, as in Matthew 11:27 and John 5:17, 18. Jesus, indeed, proclaimed in John 10:30, ‘I and My Father are one!’ Who else does Scripture identify as the Creator of ALL things? [Colossians 1:16, 17, Hebrews 1:2, 3, and Revelation 14:7] Finally, of whom else is it written that He RAISES THE DEAD? [John 5:21; 6:40]. Who, indeed, GOT UP from that TOMB, after being proven dead on Calvary’s Hill on a rugged old cross! [Luke 24:1-6] Oh, YES, for all who believe the biblical testimony—who by grace have the witness in themselves-- can lovingly serve Him and now REST in the glorious VICTORY which is ours in Jesus Christ! HALLELUIAH!!

PRAYER: Dear Father, for all of the countless reasons You have presented in Your Word, and because of Your record of faithfulness, love, and tender mercies You lavish upon us every day, we bless Your name. May we walk worthily of You now and forevermore. Amen!
By Sis. Denise Diggs


Wendy - April 6th, 2023 at 1:36pm

Amen! Sister Denise very uplifting Devotional.

Neal & Debora - April 10th, 2023 at 10:22am

Amen! Seeing ought birth believing, and knowing, understanding, and understanding, faith. Thank You Lord for permitting my appreciation of Your goodness, mercy and grace, sufficient to save, sufficient to change me. Amen!

Novella D Carpenter - April 11th, 2023 at 12:28am

Amen. The truth.! The Word,






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