There’s No Substitute for the Lord

Scripture:  "And do not turn aside; for then you would go after empty things which
cannot profit or deliver, for they are nothing." 1 Samuel 12:21
I can appreciate how the Lord levels the playing field,
He inspires us without condemning us so that we would yield;

Many have strived and positioned themselves to be winners,
Yet, the Lord slows us down with the reminder, we all are sinners;

We are guilty of substituting the Lord with other means and resources,
Despite He is our advisor, teacher, and leader, we covet other voices;

Christians don’t live by explanations, we live by the Lord’s promises,
Therefore, our hope is validated by one source through spiritual services;

This causes confession and repentance for a spiritual account,
Considering who and what consumes our time in larger amounts;

Even things that are noble shouldn’t substitute my walk with the Lord,
Devoting ourselves to activities means nothing if His presence is avoided;

Simply being honored and celebrated by many can become a substitute,
Taking the glory and attention while the Lord is overshadowed and muted;

Continuing to value worldly resources more than His provisions and deity,
Removing the Lord as the priority while showcasing our enemies;

There’s no substitute worthy or capable of directing the Lord’s plans,
Money, power, and popularity are minimal compared to His sovereign hands;

Prayer: Forgive me for allowing other resources to take Your place. And still, You
are faithful and patience with me. There’s no comparison to Your sovereignty.
You are more than enough. In the matchless name of Jesus. Amen.
By Bro. Glenny Moore


Deborah Whye - April 3rd, 2023 at 7:28am

Amen brother Glenny! Jesus is more than enough for me!

Cheryl Torain - April 3rd, 2023 at 11:00am

Yes You are Lord - More Than Enough Hallelujah!!!

Denise D. - April 3rd, 2023 at 12:07pm

Amen, Brother! " His divine power has granted us everything pertaining to life and godliness through the true knowledge of Him who called us ....". (2 Peter 1:3)🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

Novella D Carpenter - April 4th, 2023 at 1:50pm

God Is... Hallelujah!!!!

Neal & Debora B... - April 5th, 2023 at 7:40am

May our stepping be focused and aligned with the word and the Spirit; Hallelujah.






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