HE IN WE, AND WE IN HE! [where 'we' can also be 'me'] (Part II)

SCRIPTURE:  "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give You the desires of your heart."  Psalm 37:4
"Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving."    Colossians 2:6,7
        I ache knowing my own seasons of distraction, and seasons of apathy. I ache not because of losing someone perfect, but because of losing someone special.  I ache slightly less, as I understood of his latter moments, he was more so at ease, set free, and unafraid of death, before the fatal gunshot, and for a time, enjoyed being a friend, a husband, and a father.  He had moments of levity in Memphis, and then he was gone.  I submit my ache to the understanding of God's mercy and grace in Christ Jesus! Love never fails.

       I believe many, if not most of us saw and responded to a bit of Jesus showing up in the likes of Rev. King.  When we allow a bit of the Jesus in us to be lived out, whether in strictly local ways, or across the grandest of platforms, there will be impact, and similarly, reasonably, there will be cost.

      Never alone, we've a call which bids us to walk with Jesus, strengthened for the thankfulness, for His giving unto an abounding manner, honoring what we've been taught with life, and shewing ourselves well-anchored and built up in faith, upon the faithfulness of God...that we give what we have gotten, all of which summarily is delighting ourselves in Christ, through which our redeemed hopes will come to fruition.  As the psalmist puts it, “Be of good courage and He shall strengthen your hearts, all ye who hope in Him.”

PRAYER:  Lord Jesus, I am grateful for the life that You showed and shared, and for the many varied seed-sowers and water-sprinklers put upon my path, just to have me sprout in the spirit. I pray for God-honoring steps, and on my part, an unashamed faith walk. Quicken such within me, and help me to be ever mindful of You and Yours everyday, until my victory is complete in practice, to rest vividly upon Your completed work on my behalf. Forgive me for my style and choice of willful stumbling Jesus, and help me to do and be better today. All honor, glory and praise to You, O' God!  Amen.
By Bro. Brockington


Denise Diggs - February 21st, 2023 at 12:17pm

Amen, Brother! He has poured into us that we might pour out to others what He has poured into us. Our Savior God exemplified this best of all-leaving us an example. Thanks for the reminders.

Debora - February 22nd, 2023 at 8:27am

Amen...Lord, what great love you have shown us. I pray that what I do and say to others will speak of Your love for them.






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