Sock Lint

SCRIPTURE: “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things.” Philippians 4:8 (NASB)
Recently I had purchased some socks, which after one day proved to be the kind that retains an unbelievable amount of lint—lint from the floor, cat hair (and dander), dust bunnies—seen and unseen!  (Dyson vacuum cleaner sale, anyone)? Since I was in no hurry, I sought to remove the unspeakable lint balls off of those socks with the use of my trusty lint roller. Mission impossible—at least not without some time and patient effort! It occurred to me that unedifying thoughts should be similarly regarded as deliberately extracted sock lint! Such thoughts may not always be ousted from our minds as quickly as we’d like; and it’s highly probable that you have no clue as to why those thoughts keep resurfacing.

Yes—as are some thoughts we unwittingly recycle, some socks seem to have been specially designed to be more dirt and dust magnets than sock! When it comes to negative, unedifying, or even toxic thoughts, over which you SEEM to have little or no control, quickly obey God’s Spirit—don’t dawdle and dwell on them; in fact, assertively and decidedly REPLACE them by lifting fervent praises and specific petitions heavenward-- BELIEVING God’s Word about His infinite care about ALL that touches you and me.

Someone has said that the enemy is “allergic” to a saint’s praises to God! From experience, many of us know this to be true. For instance, in Psalm 34:1-8 we find strong counsel on how to intercept toxic or defeatist thoughts. In essence, it reminds us of the need to take time to praise the Lord, no matter what our circumstances, to count one’s blessings, to not avoid corporate praise. It challenges the believer to recall past instances of God’s timely deliverance and grace. It’s sound theology for individuals, as well as an entire culture, to cease and desist from mental regurgitations of the past—especially when they get you no further than another round of “the blame game!” Learn from the past, and then MOVE On Prayer and sacrifices of praise change US, that is, our perspective, if not the situation at hand.

PRAYER: Father God, thank You for blessing us, Your kingdom people, with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places; consequently, we can indeed take every thought captive to the obedience of our blessed Lord and Savior. In His name we pray and give thanks—AMEN!
By Denise Diggs  


Paula - February 11th, 2023 at 7:20am

Boy, how many times have we had to recite Phil 4:8 to intervene and to stop our negative thinking in its tracks. Thanks Sis. Denise.

McNeal & Debora Brockington - February 11th, 2023 at 10:51pm


Novella D Carpenter - February 14th, 2023 at 2:55am







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