Jesus, the Risen Savior- Today, Yesterday, and Forever

Scripture:  (Luke 24:44- NKJ) “These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning me.”

In nearly every place of business where I found myself during the past few weeks,  there was an amazing response regarding Easter, resurrection, and the living Savior. Department stores cashiers, postal workers, gas stations attendees, and supermarket personnel, on numerous occasions, closed our dealings with “ Happy Easter.” It takes a discerning ear to detect if the person is referencing the easter bunny or the resurrected Christ Jesus. I used the lack of clear information as an opportunity to share the real reason for being happy. Believers identify with the risen Savior throughout the year. Every day, believers remember what Jesus has done and is doing for them. During my encounters with others (as stated above), mentioning the risen Savior caused silence or turning the body away in rejection, yet few responded with scripture knowledge. People today believe the message of the resurrected Jesus Christ is a holst of lies, the biggest tale ever told.

Our Lord Jesus Christ rose from the grave after three days as he said He would (Luke 24:46); (Isaiah 26:19).  It is a fact, and no one can change Bible history or make it disappear. He is risen and in the world today. No power on earth can keep Him buried in the grave. When Jesus rose victoriously, He destroyed the works of the devil (Satan), and He completely finished the work God the Father gave Him.  

Jesus spoke to the disciples, saying that  “all things must be fulfilled, which are written in the law of Moses and the Prophets (The law, The Prophets, and Writings -David Hulme 2012) also the Psalms concerning Him “( Luke 24:44). Luke also tells us that “Jesus immediately after His resurrection appears to His Disciples and spoke of the evidence found about Him. ”  (VISON-David Hulme 2012)

Beloved, keep sharing Christ with the lost, no matter how little time you have in passing. One never knows that whatever is shared would spark that one to want to know more about Jesus and thus drive them to seek more in such times as now.

Prayer: Father, I still feel inadequate when sharing Your Son with those in my path. Thanks to the Holy Spirit, who does not steer me wrong when others come into my sphere. I desire to be a bold witness for my Lord, who has given much for my salvation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

(by Novella Carpenter)

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