What God Uses: Lessons from Covid-19

Scripture: Proverbs 9:10 (NASB) - The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”

In addition to refining our focus on things eternal and reviving our appreciation of daily thankfulness, this Covid-19 pandemic is reminding God’s people of the unique blessedness that accompanies a healthy reverence for God!  (Ps. 111:10; Ps. 112:1; Eccles. 12:13)  The Hebrew noun for “fear,” is the word “mora’,” which refers to the “reaction evoked in men by God’s mighty works of destruction and sovereignty.” (Vine’s Dictionary) The Bible cites many instances in which this godly fear prompted men to obey God.  Note the Hebrew midwives’ fear of God in Exodus 1:17, which led them to spare the Hebrew babies. Not surprisingly, people with a genuine fear of God tend to possess a stronger moral compass than those who do not.  This is reflected in Exodus 18:21, in which Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, counseled Moses on whom to delegate as leaders in guiding the Israelites during their exodus from Egyptian oppression:  “…you shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth , those who hate dishonest gain….”  Godly fear led Moses to shun choosing men to lead who would accept bribes.  By contrast, we see how Pharaohs’ lack of godly fear resulted in his incurring the Lord’s continued judgment upon the Egyptian people. (Exod. 9:29, 30)  According to Exodus 20:20,  Moses clearly understood the godly fear/sin-shunning connection:  “And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid; for God has come in order to test you, and in order that the fear of Him may remain with you, so that you may not sin.”

In conclusion, let’s stir ourselves up, brothers and sisters, starting with personal revival, refocusing our hearts and minds on repentance of sinful attitudes, words, and deeds that offend the True and Living God, whom we claim to know as Lord and Savior!  Our nation may not quickly repent of its crimes and injustices against babies in the womb, victims of all ages, including the  needy elderly,  or against the truly oppressed, but none of us who own a Bible can say we were ignorant of God’s commands to reverence or fear Him even more than pandemics or evil men.  “And do not fear those who kill the body, but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”  (Matthew 10:28) Coronavirus is temporal, but we ought to be in greater reverence and awe of the Sovereign God who’s in control of all that happens in the universe!

Prayer:  Dear Lord, You never have to say, “Aw, snap!” like our computers, when something in our world malfunctions or goes awry; You control the wind, the waves, the times, and the seasons!  You command tumultuous waves and situations of every description to be at peace, and be still.  Thank You for these times, which continually remind us to reverence You, worship You, and to trust in You, come what may!  In Christ’s precious name, thank You; Amen!

(by Denise Diggs)


Brother Brockington - May 8th, 2020 at 3:15am

Amen, and praise God!

Deborah Whye - May 8th, 2020 at 6:24am

Amen sis!🙌

Teressa - May 8th, 2020 at 7:29am

Amen. God fear. Holy reverence.

Pat T - May 8th, 2020 at 2:33pm


ncarpenter.1945@gmail.com - May 8th, 2020 at 4:13pm

Praise the Lord!

Wendy - May 8th, 2020 at 5:03pm

Amen! Praise God...






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