The Raw Reality

Scriptures: (Psalms 44:18,22 NKJ) Our heart has not turned back, Nor have our steps departed from Your way; (v. 22) Yet for Your sake  we are killed all day long; We are counted as sheep for the slaughter.

There are times when we experience trouble or is caught up in a web of despair. Then we are brought to a deep and sincere need to call on the Lord to send light (His light) and truth. His divine understanding that our God is worthy of our trust, and our praise. He is sovereign. I remember my past and rejoice in what You brought me through to this place. Like the Israelite families-nothing happened as a result of their strength. God gave them victory (V. 44:3) because God favored and loved them. Because of what God had done for them in the past, they trusted Him to provide continuing victory. They knew God to be faithful in planting them in the land, fighting their enemies, and in giving them what was promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

God is not only the God of victory but also the God of defeat. The Lord brought victory over Israel’s enemies and they experienced safety in the land of their inheritance, yet, as they continued to do good, defeat came , time and time again. The Lord seemed to have forsaken them. Some might have said,  “He pulled the rug out from under us.” He permitted them to be slaughtered by the enemy and treated as worthless (Judges 2:14; 3:8; 4:2). The Israelites were sold as slaves, and even scattered among pagan nations (Ps. 44: 9-15). God can be glorified even in defeat (44:2). What looked like defeat, have turned out to be glorious victory. God permitted things to happen, so that He could carry out a purpose known only to Him.

(W. W.Wiersbee Commentary 2007) puts it plainly.” Because of God’s love and grace, Israel certainly won great victories over their enemies, yet not without meeting some defeats that greatly distressed them”.  Surely the Lord (Jehovah) had enabled  Israel to claim and occupy the land (44:3-8). As the Israelites sought to secure and protect their inheritance; it appeared that the Lord forsook or deserted them. Other nation taunted and ridiculed Israel in their defeat. Defeat did not mean that the Lord loved them any less. Israel’s enemies were given the opportunity to come to know the Lord,  the God of heaven and earth. Through persecution of Jews, even Saul of Tarsus would come to know God almighty.

We need to come to a place where we can trust God to handle the defeats of our lives and turn them into victories. Defeat may be a real reality; nevertheless , it is a sovereign appointment. We can’t always explain the tragedies of  life, especially for the Saints of God (Rom. 8:28). We might look as sheep for the slaughter, but God sees us as “more than conquers through Him who loves us” (Rom. 8:37).

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You have been my dwelling place for many years,  and I trust You with my whole heart mind and soul. Today I mourn the loss of my eldest sister. Many prayers were prayed for victory over her sickness, instead you have turned my family’s tragedy into victory.  To God be the glory, in You will I continue to put my trust. For You are faithful in good times, in difficult days and in many sleepless nights. What started out as a dark time in my family, has since changed to light. Jesus is the light of the world.  In Christ Jesus. Amen

(by Novella D. Carpenter)


Debora - April 14th, 2020 at 8:25am

Amen.... Praise the LORD for the victory!

Cynthia H. - April 14th, 2020 at 11:54am

Thank you Lord for your faithfulness!

Pat T - April 14th, 2020 at 7:27pm


Denise D. - April 15th, 2020 at 7:40am

A timely word of encouragement, Sis! Praise Him!

Novella - April 15th, 2020 at 6:48pm







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