Furthering ‘GO’ and ‘DO,’ 'Two Very, Very Costly Words'
SCRIPTURE: "30 Then Jesus answered and said: “A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, who stripped him of his clothing, wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead...33 But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was. And when he saw him, he had compassion. 34 So he went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine; and he set him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him." Luke 10:30, 33-34
This modest yet loaded report was a lead-in to the answer, one particular lawyer needed for the question 'Who is my neighbor?' Who is my neighbor that I should love that one as much as myself? What has that to do with inheriting eternal life? Jesus was answering him with this presumed parable, revealing the love of God, shown through His own. It has to do with love. Love God with all you've got, and love others deeply.
"Go" and "do", two very, very costly words. If it is within you, then "Go", and "do". But there's more:
There's a certain thief who roams amongst most all men and women, boys and girls, throughout their daily travels, even now, distracting them from their blessing, wounding them, leaving them satisfied with being half-dead and contagious. They misunderstand 'life' while missing the message of God's grace, even while at times carrying about religiously. In the spirit they are stripped of their raiment [though outwardly they are clothed], they are banged up [though outwardly they often seem fine, even prosperous], they are breathless [though breathing], and they are 'dead' [though walking, talking, eating, sleeping]... but certain 'called out ones', Samaritans figuratively speaking, 'saw' these ones, the familiar and the foreign, the happy and the miserable, the busy and the retired, the athletic and the unwell, the settled and the restless, the civil and the riotous, the informed and the ignorant, the well-liked and the despised, the well-off and the 'broke', the coherent and the crazy, and had compassion on these, addressing their wounds with the gospel, praying in the Spirit on their behalf, assisting them as prompted, showing the love of Christ meaningfully in small and great ways... stitching up the cuts of the adversary.
We are those first-responders, and we have 'neighbors' today, within and beyond our 'Jerusalem' whom we are called to share Jesus' light, whom God has put on our path. Will we be obedient to the call, or abide within the comfort of our preferences? Will we respond to the costly imperative of "Go" and "do" knowing what God has and is doing for us? "Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly before the Lord..." [Micah 6:8]. "Hold forth the word of life, until the day of Christ Jesus, so that you will be blessed to know, you neither labored nor ran the race in vain." [Philippians 2:16]. "Quench not the Spirit." 1 [Thessalonians 5:19].
Indeed, "Go and do thou likewise." [Luke 10:37]. Plant the 'seed' of life and glorify God with faithfulness... the faithfulness to love. It is a sanctified, and sanctifying work.
Beloved son and daughter of the most High God - Happy Thanksgiving Day.
PRAYER: Heavenly and gracious Lord-God, and our eternal Father, guide me today as I pause to ponder this matter of 'Thanksgiving', knowing in part Your disposition to readily bless us all, and recognizing in our histories how You have done so in countless ways, showing mercies that even precede us. We appreciate the invitation to 'pay it forward' as well. Thank You for such Mercy, even Jesus, and for having the heart to listen to every care. Bless You Lord. You are a 'Way-maker' indeed. Thank You Jesus. Amen.
submitted / Bro. Dea. Brockington
"Go" and "do", two very, very costly words. If it is within you, then "Go", and "do". But there's more:
There's a certain thief who roams amongst most all men and women, boys and girls, throughout their daily travels, even now, distracting them from their blessing, wounding them, leaving them satisfied with being half-dead and contagious. They misunderstand 'life' while missing the message of God's grace, even while at times carrying about religiously. In the spirit they are stripped of their raiment [though outwardly they are clothed], they are banged up [though outwardly they often seem fine, even prosperous], they are breathless [though breathing], and they are 'dead' [though walking, talking, eating, sleeping]... but certain 'called out ones', Samaritans figuratively speaking, 'saw' these ones, the familiar and the foreign, the happy and the miserable, the busy and the retired, the athletic and the unwell, the settled and the restless, the civil and the riotous, the informed and the ignorant, the well-liked and the despised, the well-off and the 'broke', the coherent and the crazy, and had compassion on these, addressing their wounds with the gospel, praying in the Spirit on their behalf, assisting them as prompted, showing the love of Christ meaningfully in small and great ways... stitching up the cuts of the adversary.
We are those first-responders, and we have 'neighbors' today, within and beyond our 'Jerusalem' whom we are called to share Jesus' light, whom God has put on our path. Will we be obedient to the call, or abide within the comfort of our preferences? Will we respond to the costly imperative of "Go" and "do" knowing what God has and is doing for us? "Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly before the Lord..." [Micah 6:8]. "Hold forth the word of life, until the day of Christ Jesus, so that you will be blessed to know, you neither labored nor ran the race in vain." [Philippians 2:16]. "Quench not the Spirit." 1 [Thessalonians 5:19].
Indeed, "Go and do thou likewise." [Luke 10:37]. Plant the 'seed' of life and glorify God with faithfulness... the faithfulness to love. It is a sanctified, and sanctifying work.
Beloved son and daughter of the most High God - Happy Thanksgiving Day.
PRAYER: Heavenly and gracious Lord-God, and our eternal Father, guide me today as I pause to ponder this matter of 'Thanksgiving', knowing in part Your disposition to readily bless us all, and recognizing in our histories how You have done so in countless ways, showing mercies that even precede us. We appreciate the invitation to 'pay it forward' as well. Thank You for such Mercy, even Jesus, and for having the heart to listen to every care. Bless You Lord. You are a 'Way-maker' indeed. Thank You Jesus. Amen.
submitted / Bro. Dea. Brockington
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Amen! Happy Thanksgiving!
Amen! Happy Thanksgiving