Meditation Deprivation Is Evident

SCRIPTURE: “But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he [b]meditates day and night.” Psalm 1:2
The blessing of meditation on God’s Word every day as the psalmist did is that it refreshes our inner being face to face with the thoughts and ways of God Himself. It is the flush that cleanses us from the many forms of filthiness that can accumulate in us from the many things we face in this world. You and I will struggle with meditation if our attitude is wrong toward God or His Word. We will avoid it. Find reasons to neglect it. Forget it like we do when we are too busy and forget to eat our physical meals. It will affect us negatively and that negativity will be seen in our attitudes, speech, and actions in carnal and worldly ways. The scripture says that this man is blessed because his delight is not only the attitude that motivates him toward the Word, but his delight is a result of what the Word of God produces when he meditates upon it. If we love God, how do we reconcile our apparent apathy toward meeting Him in the meditation of His Word with Him? When we love someone the usual rules of relationship is to delight in them. Tell the truth, we are elated, enthusiastic, and excited with the opportunity to enjoy our time with them. We are delighted in their presence and in our time of sharing with them. This is what God wants for us when we come to meditate before Him in His Word to us. We delight to eat, don’t we? It is that delight that causes us to frequent the refrigerator every day. Yes, because food is valuable, necessary and a pleasurable delight we practice eating it without being told.

The issue is this for us, the Bible says, “He delights in this law” and because he delights in the law of the Lord and in this Word “he meditates day and night.” We are a people who have suddenly, willfully, matter-of-factly moved away from the priorities of the Word. It explains why we don’t think the Word. Why we lean on our own understanding? We need to cry out to God and ask Him to forgive us for the wrong attitude toward not only the Bible, but toward Him. He has given unto us a Word of exceedingly great and precious promises and our attitude is not to value it, or find it not necessary to live by. Yet it is through meditating on God’s Word that the psalmist flourishes through each season of life like a tree that brings forth fruit in living.

Our Father in heaven, forgive us this day for what we lack toward the priority and privilege of Your Word and what it could mean personally toward You. The miracle we need is freedom from the bondage of clutter in our hearts. In Jesus Name, amen.
By Pastor Wayne Cockrell

3 Comments - January 15th, 2024 at 7:34am

Amen 🙏 and amen!¿

Wendy - January 15th, 2024 at 11:49am

Amen 🙏Amen! Psalm 77:12 I will ponder all your work,meditate on your mighty deeds !

Paula S. - January 16th, 2024 at 6:15am

That was good!! Lord, the more I read Your Word, help me to think more like It!






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