SCRIPTURE:  "Therefore take up the full armor of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. Stand firm therefore having girded your loins with TRUTH... and having shod your feet with the preparation of the GOSPEL of peace... and take...the sword of the Spirit, which is the WORD OF GOD."  Ephesians 6:13-15,17
Pontius Pilate, having a unique audience with Jesus, [John 18:38] asked this dear question: 'What is truth?' [the most itchy question of 2022]. These are the beautifying answers:

I am not God, and independently of Him I cannot do right, and I cannot avoid doing wrong. Alone, my life is unmanageable. 'I am weak, but He is strong.' “'Precious Lord, take my hand.” BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO KNOW THAT THEY ARE SPIRITUALLY POOR!

God is, and I matter to Him, and He has the power to help me, to heal me.  “Rock of ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in Thee.”  BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO MOURN, FOR THEY SHALL BE COMFORTED!

“I surrender all,” letting God go before me and be the defender behind me. “ Because the Lord is my shepherd, I have everything I need.” BLESSED ARE THE MEEK!

Aloud, I know and confess my sins to God, and for accountability, share my confession with someone else whom I trust. 'God will cleanse us of all unrighteousness.'  BLESSED ARE THE PURE IN HEART!

I willingly and freely submit to the changes God wants to make in my life, and humbly ask Him to remove my inner mess, the 'cancer' I chose, knowing 'He restores' [my soul].  BLESSED ARE THOSE WHOSE GREATEST DESIRE IS TO DO AS GOD REQUIRES!

I will, in prayer, consider all of my relationships, favor the opportunity for reconciliation, offer forgiveness to those who've hurt me, and make amends for harms I've caused.  BLESSED ARE THE MERCIFUL! BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS!

Yield to God and 'walk in the Spirit,’ to be used to bring these glad tidings to others, throughout my own seeking and speaking, letting goodness and mercy follow me, daily.  BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO ARE PERSECUTED BECAUSE THEY LIVE IN OBEDIENCE TO THE PLEASURE OF GOD!

In all of these truths, 'Blessed' is synonymous with “Beautiful.” Pray, let the good offense and defense in Christ be our beauty, not as unto the world, but as unto God, the beautifier of our souls, the perfecter of our being, the way, the truth, and the life. "'Speak' the truth in love." [Ephesians 4:15]   "Work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure." Philippians 2:12,13

PRAYER:  Lord, as I wait, help me to wait, heart be encouraged nigh 'the gate,’ and lead me having heaven's light as these last days engage the sight.  I pray Thy vict'ry defeat doubt, that such as faith becometh stout, and bring to waken all of mind, for better gaze, no longer blind.  I pray the Word before me lifts, and that transforming yields its gifts, and that my gaining offers fruit as Thee alone hath touched the root.  May every step to follow, bless, and stepping, settle in Thy rest; let faith enlarge each friend to friend, let all as kin resound 'Amen!'.
by Brother Brockington,
[Acknowledging also portions of hymns & songs, Psalm 23, the beatitudes of Matthew 5, 1st John 1, and the construct of “The Road To Recovery” from 'Celebrate Recovery.’]     2.16.23


Debora - February 16th, 2023 at 7:44am

Amen! Thank You Lord for who You are, for Your Word, and Truth!

Cheryl Torain - February 16th, 2023 at 10:41am

Oh how He loves you and me!! Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Light!! Hallelujah!!!

Novella D Carpenter - February 16th, 2023 at 4:36pm

Amen! God's Word is Truth. He says what He means, and He means what He says.






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