SCRIPTURE: "And Lamech lived one-hundred and eighty-two years, and became the father of a son. Now he called his name Noah, saying, “This one shall give us rest from our work and from the toil of our hands arising from the ground which the Lord has cursed.” Genesis 5:28-29
A pivot is a substantial, intentional, radical, abrupt, all-consuming change of direction which by its nature not only affects the one pivoting, but also is influential to the space and things near that one. It is impactful. It can be intrusive, and it can be evasive, but implicitly it is not subtle. It is a distinctive action which is exclusive of some things, while aligning with others. It unsettles the one undertaking it, and is creative, and exists as an adventurous move. It can be destructive. It brings excitement. It is the exclamation mark of a story or a life. It can be scary. It can be intoxicating. It can be crazy. It can be desperate. It can be the outcome of highest thoughtfulness, or contrarily, purely impulsive. It can be spiritual or carnal, heavenly or earthy, charitable or selfish, angelic or demonic. It can be additive or subtractive. It is never neutral.
The Bible is loaded with pivotal moments. And we all have them, as well.
As we all are on a journey, figuratively speaking, and we 'run out of gas’ when we need to get going, that can trigger a pivot, and likewise, moving full steam ahead to discover the loss of 'brakes,’ an eventual pivot of thought, feelings, and actions would not be a surprise. Pivots are common when our journeys take us to a fork in the road, a dead-end, an unplanned detour, an obstacle, or sharp curves. Pivots are common when our journeys acquaint us with another on the way, be they friend, enemy, or stranger. Certainly, when God demonstrates Himself in our journey, there will be a pivot.
Eve took a pivot upon an undesirable conversation leading to a critical decision with a fruit. Abraham pivoted to undertake a journey to a place he knew not. Joseph's brothers pivoted to collectively abandon him in a pit, expecting his demise. David, being enamored with Bathsheba, pivoted with the need to address her spouse, Uriah. The magi, with all of their understanding and calculation, pivoted to follow an odd and oddly moving star. King Herod, despite a certain respect for John the Baptist, allowed trickery in the form of an alluring dance by Herodias' young daughter, to eventuate in John's beheading-- a pivot. Judas, blessed as a disciple, offers the most lamentable kiss in the history of humankind, an unavoidable pivot. A mob, recently crying out 'Hosanna,’ pivots for the sparing of Barabbas over Jesus. Then He was crucified.
PRAYER: Thank you Lord for the covenant of hope that You've offered us, and Your choosing of mercy. Thank You for that preference that out of freedom we might love You above all else, through worshipful and praiseful living, and that we ought to love and honor one another. Your mercy and grace prescribes we love, and Your holiness insists upon it. Forgive us when we stray, Lord. Yes, forgive me, even now.
Within these moments of mercy, Lord, help us with our yielding and the faithfulness required to be steadfast and humble in this life. Help us to be courageous, creative, generous, and scripture-bound in our blessing of each other in a world which, at the least, is indifferent to the righteous notion, and, at the most, assertively contrary. Certainly, we boasted such an inward wilderness before Your reach! You began a wonderful change! Stir us rightly now, Lord. Bring us to joy in our deliverance, and let life's lessons meet our authentic hope in You, making for an uncommon brightening of the soul. May Your Spirit as such prevail in me. We submit to Your will all of this, and to pray in the name of Jesus! Amen.
by McNeal Brockington
The Bible is loaded with pivotal moments. And we all have them, as well.
As we all are on a journey, figuratively speaking, and we 'run out of gas’ when we need to get going, that can trigger a pivot, and likewise, moving full steam ahead to discover the loss of 'brakes,’ an eventual pivot of thought, feelings, and actions would not be a surprise. Pivots are common when our journeys take us to a fork in the road, a dead-end, an unplanned detour, an obstacle, or sharp curves. Pivots are common when our journeys acquaint us with another on the way, be they friend, enemy, or stranger. Certainly, when God demonstrates Himself in our journey, there will be a pivot.
Eve took a pivot upon an undesirable conversation leading to a critical decision with a fruit. Abraham pivoted to undertake a journey to a place he knew not. Joseph's brothers pivoted to collectively abandon him in a pit, expecting his demise. David, being enamored with Bathsheba, pivoted with the need to address her spouse, Uriah. The magi, with all of their understanding and calculation, pivoted to follow an odd and oddly moving star. King Herod, despite a certain respect for John the Baptist, allowed trickery in the form of an alluring dance by Herodias' young daughter, to eventuate in John's beheading-- a pivot. Judas, blessed as a disciple, offers the most lamentable kiss in the history of humankind, an unavoidable pivot. A mob, recently crying out 'Hosanna,’ pivots for the sparing of Barabbas over Jesus. Then He was crucified.
PRAYER: Thank you Lord for the covenant of hope that You've offered us, and Your choosing of mercy. Thank You for that preference that out of freedom we might love You above all else, through worshipful and praiseful living, and that we ought to love and honor one another. Your mercy and grace prescribes we love, and Your holiness insists upon it. Forgive us when we stray, Lord. Yes, forgive me, even now.
Within these moments of mercy, Lord, help us with our yielding and the faithfulness required to be steadfast and humble in this life. Help us to be courageous, creative, generous, and scripture-bound in our blessing of each other in a world which, at the least, is indifferent to the righteous notion, and, at the most, assertively contrary. Certainly, we boasted such an inward wilderness before Your reach! You began a wonderful change! Stir us rightly now, Lord. Bring us to joy in our deliverance, and let life's lessons meet our authentic hope in You, making for an uncommon brightening of the soul. May Your Spirit as such prevail in me. We submit to Your will all of this, and to pray in the name of Jesus! Amen.
by McNeal Brockington
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Prayer For Humble Living
January 20th, 2025
SUNDAY MORNING PRAYERS with Pastor Wayne Cockrell
January 19th, 2025
A Prayer of Appreciation and Worship
January 18th, 2025
Prayer of Dedication to Our Lord
January 17th, 2025
Prayer When Faith is Tested: Accepting God’s Will
January 16th, 2025
Prayer of Thanks for God’s Keeping Power
January 15th, 2025
Prayer To See Things God’s Way
January 14th, 2025
Prayer That Celebrates God’s Work
January 13th, 2025
SUNDAY MORNING PRAYERS with Pastor Wayne Cockrell
January 12th, 2025
A Prayer: God is Waiting in the New Year
January 11th, 2025
1 Comment
Amen! Amen! Brother M. Brockinton.