The One That Got Away [Until Now] Part I

  God has brought, is bringing, and shall perfect joy in the now-life [and beyond-life] of the believer, whose hope and faith prevail--even as the things of the temporal roar upon us. That is the good news, news we can use, although sometimes it takes work to hear it from a prophet. Theirs is not always the voice to applaud us for the good we've done, for virtuous intentions, but rather to love us with correction, as God Himself ushers the hard truths about us.
   I always thought I had read through the Bible start to finish, but that notion was not accurate. Yes, there was regular reading done; there were notes taken across decades of sermons and even eulogies and other events. There were numerous Sunday school lessons, both attended and prepared.  There were audiotaped and videotaped messages considered, and even a few years of being on the devotional team; yet, there was a book I had not approached. Even with the privilege of being a member of the Gideons, sharing Bibles, there remained a book within the Scriptures that hadn't reached me. So, I've purposed to address that, and, indeed, when I turned to its address in my several Bibles, its verses were not underscored, were not highlighted, and boasted of pages evidently good as new. Should I have played the part of a detective, the Adrian Monk or Sherlock Holmes in me, would have scarcely found fingerprints---probably just the scrambling touchpoints while searching for Amos or Jonah.  At the time of this devotional I plan to finish this book, and while it is now the advent season, highlighting 'Joy' for the week leading to Christmas, I plan on finding the message of joy from that dear dusty prophet, whose name means 'the Lord's servant,’ that being Obadiah. I'm going to pursue it, rejoice in it, and be glad in it! This is the day!

Intermission  [24] hours later

PRAYER:  Dear Lord, let me appreciate beyond my distractedness each and every day the need to know You more, and with that to be available to weather this roller-coaster life of ours with the anchor of truth, having Jesus, and in Him, having peace. I pray that the gift of life in me will be sufficiently impressive to bring confession, and usher in blessing, that my yielding will bring uplift, in Jesus' name.  I shall rejoice and be glad, in Him. Amen.  


Paula - January 15th, 2023 at 5:12am

Yes indeed, Dr. Brockington, some of those books of the Bible do go untouched by us. Forgive us Lord for seeing them as "lesser than" for the entrance of Your whole Word does give us light.

Wendy - January 15th, 2023 at 4:34pm

Amen & Amen!!

Denise Diggs - January 16th, 2023 at 6:10am

Amen, Bro. Brockington. "Righteousness exalts a nation, but SIN is a reproach to any people." Prov. 14:34






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