Scripture:  Colossians 4:2 (NKJV) - Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving;…

Do you ever watch any of those highly proliferated judge programs on television? It seems that the favorite response of one particular judge is a loud and dismissive “I don’t CAAARREE!!” Aren’t you overjoyed that our GOD cares very much about everything pertaining to our prayer relationship with Him?  He never tells those who genuinely seek His counsel, ‘I don’t CARE!’  

When it comes to approaching our heavenly Father in prayer, however, He is especially caring about our attitude! It should be our aim to always pray with a genuine heart yieldedness, thankfulness, and respect for who He is—the holy and true El Elyon, (THE Most High God)! The Sovereign God!  That said, we ourselves must first be in right relationship to Him, remaining Holy Spirit-sensitive in regular confession of our own sins, in keeping with 1 John 1:9—many a saint’s favorite verse!  Secondly—and I’ve grouped these two together due to their high frequency in unguarded hearts-- we must eliminate any pharisaical (self-righteous) spirit and  any attitudes of unforgiveness.  Remember our Lord’s account in Luke 18:9-14 of the prayers offered up by the Pharisee and the tax collector? To increase our own intentionality in these areas, it’s always helpful to keep a personal journal that we can look back on and be reminded of how our thought processes and prayer life have grown over the seasons---or even stagnated a bit).  Praise God, our Wonderful Teacher and Lord, for always honoring a willing and contrite heart! (Ps. 51)

A third consideration about the right attitude for prayer concerns that which was demonstrated by our Lord in Luke 22:42—submission to the Father’s will.  In the face of His imminent arrest and unjust crucifixion for your sins and mine, Christ prayed fervently to the Father, asking that the cup of suffering be removed from Him!  Yet, after praying to this end, and with the sweat issuing from His pores like droplets of blood, our Lord’s heart was so passionately obedient to the Father’s will to save all who would believe on Christ’s redemptive work at Calvary, that He concluded His prayer with these words, “…nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will.” Greater love has NO man…!! What a Savior!

Prayer:  Dear Father, may we never become lazy or complacent about obeying Your invitation to ‘pray without ceasing.’  Let us do so with an attitude that honors our Christ, in whose name we pray.  Thank You and amen!

(By Denise Diggs)

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Deborah Whye - March 23rd, 2022 at 2:56pm







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