Put Some Respect on His Name – A Christless Christmas

SCRIPTURE: “And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.” Revelation 19:16
Jesus was a toddler in a house when the wise men searched for a manger,
They traveled for months with great anticipation to encounter and honor the Savior.

Thousands of years have passed, but His blood remains powerful and effective,
Yet, as Christmas approaches, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords is being rejected.

There was a time, the holiday season brought about family, fun, and joy,
Today, Christmas creates a time of pain, depression, stress, and void.

We are seeing chaos and confusion, weeping and mourning, and pain and division,
The times say, Jesus can be talked about, but not seen on the throne with recognition.

King Herod in the past and today’s culture see Christ as competition that denies their self-ambition,
Yet, without Jesus being the central focus, no celebration can be acknowledged as the true Christmas.

If Jesus is not King, simply call your festivities a party, not a celebration for Christmas
If His deity is not recognized as the reason for the season, all else is suspicious.

We should make it a point to glorify Jesus on His birthday during this season,
Our songs, gestures, and gifts should be lifted to His throne and well-pleasing.

The saved and unsaved know, and even believe the Bible, yet they waiver,
We are religious but missing the personal relationship with the Savior.

It’s better to know less and go to Jesus than to know more and stay away,
The written Word’s very purpose is to lead us to the living Word daily.

John chapter 5 verses 39 and 40 make it clear for us to see,
We may search the scriptures, but not have life, because you don’t “Come to Me.”

So, be careful with calling the holiday Christmas, if there is no Christ Jesus,
What good is a birthday if the person that’s celebrated is not welcomed for the sake of worldly reasons.

It’s a Christless Christmas when we don’t honor His name,
Referring to the holiday as Xmas and saying His name in vain.

So, let’s make a big deal about Christmas by glorifying our Lord and King,
Then, our posture will look upward for the holidays to inspire what we say, do, and sing.

PRAYER: Lord! You are worthy! Redirect the world to acknowledge You as the true reason for the season. Let our celebrations thrive from Your birth. Let our focus be on You, Jesus! As we lift praises, testimonies, and songs that point to You as the ultimate gift. In the matchless name of Jesus. Amen!
By Bro. Glenny Moore
Poem inspired by Dr. Tony Evans Sermon


Pat T - December 18th, 2024 at 11:54am

Amen! There's no Christmas without Christ!

Novella D Carpenter - December 18th, 2024 at 1:38pm

Amen! The world wants no part of Christ. They don't understand the Gospel. They will never understand from a human perspective/ human logic. The World avoids Jesus Christ altogether.

Deborah Whye - December 19th, 2024 at 5:45am

Amen! There's no Christmas without Christ!

Wendy - December 19th, 2024 at 2:48pm

Amen and Amen ! Christmas is about the birth of God’s son-Jesus.. He came to give us love,hope and joy!!






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