Praying for the Elections
SCRIPTURE: "Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, 16 do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers: 17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, 18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints," Ephesians 1:15-18
Appreciating the yard across the street from me, I am reminded that that peculiar secular 'holiday' draws near, the lawn being replete with larger-than-life ballooned icons of our popular culture, those monsters that we've come to value: The Mummy, Dracula, Frankenstein, and a plethora of ghosts, skeletons, witches, and lesser spooky entities. There are a handful of fake tombstones as well. These lay flattened in the daylight, but come evening they are bolstered with air and lit for all to see, declaring what they will. They have been up since the start of October, as they have been every Fall, year to year. This is not surprising in and of itself, except that it is the front lawn of the parsonage connected with its adjacent church. The marquis of the church says something like, “There is no Christ in the Christian” right facing the traffic of Liberty Road. Hmmn?
This church has often displayed itself as 'open and affirming' with the idea that their worship service is tolerant of all, and available to all comers. Their website verifies this as well. The pastor is pleasant enough, and active in the life of the community. We have met, and I've been to a few of the Sunday services over the years, as well as a few community events. The membership is friendly. I believe, without being 'judgmental' but rather discerning, that their electoral prompting will go a certain way, without surprise.
My hope is, while all of our stories are still being written, with fair evidence for seasons of stumbling, that they, as with all of the churches of America, will come to embrace the full counsel of the Word by the Holy Spirit's ushering, and discover in their own journey of faith, unmistakable biblical revival [while it is yet day]. This is my prayer for my neighbor, this pastor and his flock: Jesus first. Jesus most. Nothing more, nothing less, and nothing else. [The Jesus of the full bible] This 'Big Jesus' is often bottom shelf for the emphases of many churches, and this is sad. Pray that we all receive and reach for 'Big Jesus'.
So as we enjoy our own style of distraction, be it cultic allegiance to Ravens [or even Steelers] football, coarse comedy, political infighting, irresistible bad habits, ethnic bias, naughtily nuanced film, and music, addictive virtual gaming and other things, even the love of money, let us pause and reflect upon and through the message of mercy and of grace, and the merits of His life given for ours, and Him risen. Let us 'taste and see that the Lord is good and 'goodest'... Open the eyes of our hearts, Lord. We have been reconciled, so then let us 'be' reconciled, and bringers of that same actionable truth, in Jesus' name.
The big 'I' in the midst of many, is Christ saying, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6). Come, and keep coming to Jesus. Let us see with His 'I's. Now, let your daily election [and your now momentary election] abide within the hope to which you are called ... with Spirit-led gaze, and open eyes, abide upon the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, which includes you. Being 'born again', then 'be' born again. You [we] are a new creation in Christ Jesus. Bless God! Hallelujah and Amen!
PRAYER: Lord, I do not cease to give thanks for You, remembering You in my prayers and with my praise, morning by morning, for the new and renewing mercies You offer, with exceeding grace. Heavenly Father I pray that the wisdom born of Your Spirit reaches and illuminates this wandering gaze of mine, that this heart of mine might be refreshed and inclined to bless. Renew such a hope in me I pray, even for the things of today which I anticipate in part. And should I find the occasion to be surprised as the day unfolds, make it glorious, as I seek to abide in Your ways. It is indeed wonderful to be alive and with You. Bless You, Father. You are great and greatly to be praised! Amen, in Jesus' name. Amen.
By Dea. McNeal Brockington
This church has often displayed itself as 'open and affirming' with the idea that their worship service is tolerant of all, and available to all comers. Their website verifies this as well. The pastor is pleasant enough, and active in the life of the community. We have met, and I've been to a few of the Sunday services over the years, as well as a few community events. The membership is friendly. I believe, without being 'judgmental' but rather discerning, that their electoral prompting will go a certain way, without surprise.
My hope is, while all of our stories are still being written, with fair evidence for seasons of stumbling, that they, as with all of the churches of America, will come to embrace the full counsel of the Word by the Holy Spirit's ushering, and discover in their own journey of faith, unmistakable biblical revival [while it is yet day]. This is my prayer for my neighbor, this pastor and his flock: Jesus first. Jesus most. Nothing more, nothing less, and nothing else. [The Jesus of the full bible] This 'Big Jesus' is often bottom shelf for the emphases of many churches, and this is sad. Pray that we all receive and reach for 'Big Jesus'.
So as we enjoy our own style of distraction, be it cultic allegiance to Ravens [or even Steelers] football, coarse comedy, political infighting, irresistible bad habits, ethnic bias, naughtily nuanced film, and music, addictive virtual gaming and other things, even the love of money, let us pause and reflect upon and through the message of mercy and of grace, and the merits of His life given for ours, and Him risen. Let us 'taste and see that the Lord is good and 'goodest'... Open the eyes of our hearts, Lord. We have been reconciled, so then let us 'be' reconciled, and bringers of that same actionable truth, in Jesus' name.
The big 'I' in the midst of many, is Christ saying, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6). Come, and keep coming to Jesus. Let us see with His 'I's. Now, let your daily election [and your now momentary election] abide within the hope to which you are called ... with Spirit-led gaze, and open eyes, abide upon the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, which includes you. Being 'born again', then 'be' born again. You [we] are a new creation in Christ Jesus. Bless God! Hallelujah and Amen!
PRAYER: Lord, I do not cease to give thanks for You, remembering You in my prayers and with my praise, morning by morning, for the new and renewing mercies You offer, with exceeding grace. Heavenly Father I pray that the wisdom born of Your Spirit reaches and illuminates this wandering gaze of mine, that this heart of mine might be refreshed and inclined to bless. Renew such a hope in me I pray, even for the things of today which I anticipate in part. And should I find the occasion to be surprised as the day unfolds, make it glorious, as I seek to abide in Your ways. It is indeed wonderful to be alive and with You. Bless You, Father. You are great and greatly to be praised! Amen, in Jesus' name. Amen.
By Dea. McNeal Brockington
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February 2nd, 2025
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Prayer of Rekindled Praise
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Amen Brother
Amen and Amen!