SPIRITUAL WARFARE: Keeping an Upward Focus on Jesus
45 Days of Praying for the Elections - DAY 35
Scripture: “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, 16 redeeming the time, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” Ephesians 5:15-17
In movies when dark spirits are at force the cinematic view shows the sky turning from light to dark. When this happens, the viewers know that something ominous is about to happen. In the real world, instead of cinematic tricks we have the Holy Spirit and God’s Word. As we live, we can see times changing, people getting eviler, having less remorse, and a general disregard for life. Ephesians 6:12 says that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” However, when people are evil it can be difficult to grasp that the person is being used by demonic forces. Honestly, I do not like spiritual warfare. It often reminds me how easily I can fall back into old behaviors when the devil uses others. Moreover, when my focus is not upward, spiritual warfare is hard to detect. During these times of demonic infiltration, we must keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, God’s Word, and precepts. During these times of demonic infiltration, we must pray more and watch more. During these times of demonic infiltration, we must seek the Lord for wisdom and strength (2 Timothy 3:1-5). As the world is on the cusp of political history and biblical prophecy, seek guidance and wisdom because we all are players in this game.
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, give Your people wisdom during this election. Open our eyes to what is true. Help us to make godly decisions that will move the world closer to You. Comfort us Lord as some still wrestle with a decision. Let us have a settled spirit regardless of which candidate wins as we know that You are always in control and never shocked by what we do on earth. Protect us Lord as the world falls deeper and deeper under the sway of the wicked one. Help us to remember that this is not our home, and we should not conform to its ways or compromise our standards to fit in. Forgive us when we do. Thank you, Lord, for Your protection, Your grace, Your mercy and Your Son, who died for our sins past, present, and future. Amen.
By Sis. Pat Towns
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, give Your people wisdom during this election. Open our eyes to what is true. Help us to make godly decisions that will move the world closer to You. Comfort us Lord as some still wrestle with a decision. Let us have a settled spirit regardless of which candidate wins as we know that You are always in control and never shocked by what we do on earth. Protect us Lord as the world falls deeper and deeper under the sway of the wicked one. Help us to remember that this is not our home, and we should not conform to its ways or compromise our standards to fit in. Forgive us when we do. Thank you, Lord, for Your protection, Your grace, Your mercy and Your Son, who died for our sins past, present, and future. Amen.
By Sis. Pat Towns
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Amen sister Pat!!!
Yes, the attack/warfare is real. Look beyond faces and see the agendas behind them. The Bible is our beacon through this warfare. Thank You Jesus.
Amen and Praise the Lord!!!
Amen,Sister Pat . We must stand on the word,to know the truth!